Nettsider med emneord «public defence of thesis»

Selfie of Linda Marijke in front of a big window and a big plant.
Publisert 6. mars 2024 10:59

What is the best way to store artificially fertilized eggs from pigs? This is one of the questions Linda Marijke Dekker Haug has been investigating in her doctoral thesis, which she will defend on 18 March.

Ida Syvertsen under a tree with a river and a bridge in the background
Publisert 15. feb. 2024 23:38

Speaking English is of great importance to Congolese who have been forced to flee their homeland. This is shown in Ida Syvertsen's doctoral research, which she will defend on 28 February.

Photo of Kristine in front of a flight of stairs.
Publisert 26. jan. 2024 16:37

Kristine Blekastad Sagheim has researched what affects the spread of the sharing economy in our regions, and what it can mean for business development there. On 9 February, she will defend her doctoral thesis.

Photo of  Anders on a bench in front of a wooden fence with a river behind it.
Publisert 15. jan. 2024 00:50

Anders Nordby researches how systems thinking can be used for the development of serious games – research that can, among other things, be useful in the fight against climate change. On January 24, he will defend his thesis.

Portrait photo of Julia Melnikova in front of a gray tiled wall.
Publisert 15. jan. 2024 00:50

There are several aspects of the meeting between migrant families and Norwegian upper secondary schools that are challenging. This is Julia Melnikova's finding in the work on her doctorate, which she will defend on 19 January.

Portrait photo of Christina in a patterned sweater in front of green plants in nature.
Publisert 15. jan. 2024 00:50

Children with disabilities have not received the same attention in terms of influence and participation as other children. Christina Strandholt Andersen has researched this in her doctorate, which she will defend on 19 January.

Photo of Barry Patrick Kavanagh in front of a stone wall with some buildings visible in the background.
Publisert 29. nov. 2023 00:49

Few English teachers use it, but those who do find it useful. On 4 December, Barry Patrick Kavanagh will defend his doctoral thesis on the use of so-called corpus linguistics.

Portrait photo of Maria Jordet
Publisert 14. mai 2023 18:05

Maria Jordet's overarching aim is to develop knowledge that says something important about singing and the times we live in. on 25.05.2023 she will defend her work.

Potraite photo of Kristin Trane
Publisert 14. mai 2023 17:52

FACT is a service mode aiming to provide integrated care for people with severe mental health disorders. Kristin Trane examined how the model works in a Norwegian context. On 24 May 2023, she will defend her doctoral thesis.

Portrait photo of Mette Marit Jenssen
Publisert 17. jan. 2023 00:37

There is great variation in the quality of professional learning communities in Norwegian schools. This is one of the main conclusions in Mette Marit Forsmo Jenssen's doctoral thesis, which she will defend on 23 January.

Portrait photo of Mira Elise Glaser Holthe
Publisert 16. jan. 2023 23:03

What makes many young refugees function well in terms of health, and succeed in their new lives, despite experiences of trauma and hardship? PhD candidate Mira Elise Glaser Holthe has taken a closer look at this topic, and on 19 January she will defend her doctoral thesis.

Portrait photo of Mira Elise Glaser Holthe
Publisert 13. jan. 2023 01:38

Mira Elise Glaser Holthe will defend her doctoral work in the PhD programme Child and Youth Competence Development at INN University, Lillehammer campus on 19.01.2023.

Portrait photo of Mette Marit Jenssen
Publisert 13. jan. 2023 01:38

Mette Marit Forsmo Jenssen will defend her doctoral work within the PhD programme in Teaching and Teacher Education at INN University on 23.01.2023.

Portrait photo of Anne Randi in a forest.
Publisert 30. nov. 2022 02:01

In her PhD, Anne Randi Græsli has set to get to know the moose better by equipping them with different types of sensors. Now her work must be defended.

Jonas Karlsen Åstrøm
Publisert 22. aug. 2022 15:20

In this thesis Åstrøm has examined theming from different perspectives. In tourism, theming is the practice of creating new experiences based on a core theme.

Jonas Karlsen Åstrøm (Photo: Private)
Publisert 10. juni 2022 13:18

The public defence for Jonas Karlsen Åstrøms’ doctoral thesis takes place at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, August 30 2022.

Portrait photo of Barbara Mutonyi
Publisert 22. mai 2022 20:10

Innovation should be considered a common goal for everyone in public organizations. This is the heart of the doctoral thesis of Barbara Rebecca Mutonyi, which she will defend on 3 June.

Portrait photo of Friederike Merkelbach
Publisert 17. feb. 2022 22:08

Friederike Merkelbach has researched the child star phenomenon and perceptions of musical talent on YouTube in her doctorate. On 23 and 24 February, she will defend her work.

Portrait photo of Cecilie Ruud Dangmann
Publisert 13. feb. 2022 16:07

Cecilie Ruud Dangmann will defend her doctoral thesis in the PhD programme Child and youth competence development at INN University, Elverum campus on 25.02.2022

Portrait photo of Friederike Merkelbach.
Publisert 26. jan. 2022 09:52

Friederike Merkelbach will defend her doctoral thesis in the PhD programme Teaching and Teacher Education at INN University, with a trial lecture on Wednesday 23.2 and the public defence of her thesis on 24.2.2022.