Boklansering: Virtual Management and the New Normal

Fra venstre redaktørene Pascale Peters, Svein Bergum og Tone Vold.

Fra venstre sees redaktørene Pascale Peters, Svein Bergum og Tone Vold.

Foto: Ole Martin Ringlund /HINN

Onsdag 4. januar er det boklansering av boken Virtual Management and the New Normal: New Perspectives on HRM and Leadership since the COVID-19 PandemicHør redaktørene fortelle om boken.

Boken er redigert av førsteamanuensis Svein Bergum og høgskolelektor Tone Vold, begge ansatt på Handelshøgskolen Innlandet, i tillegg til professor Pascale Peters ved Nyenrode Business Universiteit i Breukelen i Nederland. Boken er utgitt på nivå 2-forlaget forlaget Palgrave Macmilllan. 

Om boken

This book examines how Human Resource Management and leadership have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, what organizations can learn from this, and how these new experiences could be applied in the “New Normal”.
The editors of this book have compiled the new knowledge that exists around remote leadership and organizational practices, relative to pre-COVID-19 studies, and the experiences learned during the pandemic. Key discussion themes focus on the role of distance in leadership, organizations and HR, the sustainability aspects involved, innovations and knowledge development achieved, the role of digitalization and new requirements and possibilities for management post-COVID-19. The editors conclude by investigating the strategic processes and factors influencing the “New Normal”.


Alle de tre redaktørene vil være tilstede for å fortelle om boka.

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Emneord: boklansering, forskningsformidling
Publisert 22. des. 2022 11:13 - Sist endret 16. mars 2023 10:08