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Elverum campus

Welcome to Elverum! The town has approximately 20,500 inhabitants, and the areas around Elverum offer great experiences for those interested in nature and hiking. The Glomma river flows through the city and really gives the city centre a distinctive character. 

Terningen Arena hvor høgskolen holder til på Elverum

Modern Elverum 

This is the place for those who are interested in studying or working in health and sports sciences. The university is located in new modern premises in Terningen Arena. It offers state-of-the-art training facilities for nursing and dental students.  

2360 Students
40 Study programmes
1 Faculty

Studying at Elverum

Elverum campus on Facebook 

There is a dedicated group for those who want to keep track of local information from Elverum campus. 

Go to the Facebook group

Health services and counselling 

The Inland Norway Student Welfare Organisation (SINN) has conversational therapists, psychologists, student chaplains and student coordinators who can provide students with help. These are low-threshold services and you don’t have to be ill to get in touch. 

Read more about SINN’s health and counselling services 

Student organisations and leisure activities 

When you pay the semester fee at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, you become part of the Inland Norway Students’ Union (StInn). StInn works proactively for students’ rights, especially with regard to INN University, the Inland Norway Student Welfare Organisation (SINN), and the authorities. 

Read more about StInn 

Each campus offers different leisure activities that are available to all students. New students are encouraged to familiarise themselves with what is on offer in the local community; see information on message boards and talk to your assigned buddy when you start your studies. 

See also the Inland Norway Student Community website 

Student accommodation 

The Inland Norway Student Welfare Organisation (SINN) offers student accommodation in Elverum. SINN does not require a deposit, offers student-friendly rates and requires only two months’ notice. 

Read more about student accommodation at SINN

In addition, accommodation can be found on the private market, both in private bedsits and single rooms/flats. 


There are several municipal kindergartens in Elverum. Applications for kindergarten places must be submitted to the municipality. 

Read more on the Elverum Municipality website