Public journal

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences’ public records contain public information about cases and documents. The public records are digitally available via the eInnsyn service.

eInnsyn is a common service provided by the Norwegian Digitalisation Agency (Digdir). The service is used by INN University and several other government agencies to publicise their public records online. The public records are collected in a common database and its contents are openly accessible.

In eInnsyn, it is possible to search for and read full-text documents. You may also request access to documents that have not been fully published. In order to process your request for access, we use INN University’s case and archive system. This means that your inquiry and our response will be archived and thus also searchable in public records.

Public Records

In eInnsyn, you may search in INN University’s public records.

Here, you will find information about cases and documents that are registered in INN University’s case archive system. INN University does not publish documents in full text, but you may search in the information about the actual document you are looking for. This means that you cannot search directly in the document text for words, expressions or formulations.

INN University is responsible for ensuring that confidential information is not made public. Personal names must not be searchable after being published in eInnsyn for more than 12 months. This means that if you search for a personal name in eInnsyn, you will only get hits in the first 12 months after the publication date for listings containing the name you are searching for.

Read more about eInnsyn here.

The user guide can be found here.

Older public records

Public records from before September 2021 are available here.

INN University is responsible for ensuring that confidential information is not made public. Personal names should not be searchable after being published in public records for more than 12 months. This means that you will only find records that are less than one year old.

Requests for access to documents from before September 2021 must be sent via our contact form.


Requests for access

Requests for access to INN University’s documents may be ordered in eInnsyn.

eInnsyn may be used anonymously. All you need is an e-mail address to which the documents can be sent.

You may also request access using other methods than eInnsyn. You may submit both a written and oral request for access.


Freedom of information act

Public administration act


Exceptions to public disclosure

The main rule of the Freedom of Information Act is that case documents, journals and similar registers of an administrative agency are public except as otherwise provided by statute or by regulations pursuant thereto.

All documents that are exempt from public disclosure have been granted exemption pursuant to law. 

Section 3 of the Freedom of Information Act


Enhanced access to information

Where there is occasion to exempt information from access, an administrative agency shall nonetheless consider allowing full or partial access. The administrative agency should allow access if the interest of public access outweighs the need for exemption.

Therefore, anyone may make a request for access to a document even if it is exempt from public disclosure. 

Section 11 of the Freedom of Information Act.


Appeal against refusal of a request for access

Appeals against refusal of a request for access must first be sent to Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, which then submits the appeal to the relevant appeals body cf. provisions in Section 32 of the Freedom of Information Act.

The deadline for lodging an appeal is three weeks from the date on which notification of the administrative decision has reached the party concerned cf. Section 29 of the Public Administration Act.


Access to personal data

Anyone can request access to, rectification and erasure of their own personal data at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.

Use our solution regarding requests for access to personal data. This requires login via ID-porten.

Go to the form for access to personal data.


You have the right to know what type of personal data we process about you.

When you request access, you may receive information about:

  • the specific personal data we process about you,
  • where this data is collected from,
  • the purposes (tasks) for which they are used, and
  • whether they have been passed on to anyone else, and to whom they have been given.

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences’ processing of personal data is primarily pursuant to laws and associated regulations. Therefore, there will be very limited opportunities to have personal data erased cf. Section 17 of the Personal Data Act (in Norwegian).

You will receive an answer to your inquiry within 30 days. In some cases, we will need more than 30 days to process the inquiry. In those cases, you will receive a preliminary answer stating the reason for the delay.

If you have chosen not to partake in digital communication with the public sector or you have made a request for access by post, we will send the reply by post.

You may also request access, rectification and erasure by submitting a paper form to us.

Download the appropriate form for your inquiry and fill it out. Feel free to provide us with additional information that specifies what you would like to access, rectify or erase.

Completed forms and attached copies of valid ID must be sent by post to Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.

Valid ID is:

  • Norwegian passport (not emergency passport)
  • Norwegian National ID card – with and without the right to travel
  • Norwegian driving license issued after 1 January 1998
  • Norwegian digital driving license
  • Norwegian bank card with photo and national identity number
  • Norwegian Armed Forces ID card
  • Record of Service and Norwegian Sea Service Book
  • Norwegian refugee travel document
  • Norwegian immigrant’s passport (not approved if issued for a single trip)
  • Foreign passport (not emergency passport)
  • National ID card from EU/EEA countries

If you have questions about further follow-up of previously submitted inquiries, please contact us via the contact form.


Last modified Nov. 6, 2023 1:31 PM