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Emerge University Alliance

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences is a partner in the Emerge European University Alliance. The alliance consists of nine universities and colleges from eight countries. In addition, one Ukrainian university is an associated member.


INN University has been a part of the Emerge initiative since 2019, and the collaboration is central to the institution's international work.

The alliance has members from Ireland, Spain, France, Germany, Slovakia, Cyprus and Norway.

The alliance enables -INN University to collaborate with European partners in both research and education. It opens the possibility for exchange of students and staff.

The collaboration also provides opportunities for Inland Norway (Innlandet County) as a region. The alliance can catalyse exciting joint projects that provide actors in the region with access to a collective competence that is significantly greater than what INN University can deliver alone. Several other actors in Innlandet County are also collaborative partners in the Emerge project.

The partnership is an important contribution to international quality and thus fulfils the institution's ambition for university accreditation.

News from Emerge

  • Prestige and NOK 20 million to INN University July 2, 2024 9:08 AM

    The European Commission grants Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN University) and the university alliance Emerge the status of 'European University'.

  • Dissemination of research on the agenda June 24, 2024 12:50 PM

    Recently, researchers from the entire Emerge alliance gathered in Hamar to take part in an intensive course on the dissemination of scientific research.

  • A student forum created in Emerge alliance May 5, 2023 1:49 PM

    Students Lea and Andreas from INN University took active part when the framework for a student forum in the Emerge university alliance was established during a gathering in Cyprus last week.

Aiming to become a "European University"

The members of EMERGE wishes to apply for a European University Alliance status through the European Universities Initiative (EUI) of Erasmus +.

This EU scheme will contribute to what the EU dubbed a reform of the education sector in Europe. The EU wishes for higher education institutions to commit to closer institutional cooperation that contributes to increased mobility, professional development, and research.

EUI status means, among other things, that the participants in the alliance must have a common long-term strategy for education that strengthens the link between education, research, and innovation. The strategy shall facilitate the free movement of students and staff between the institutions.

Students should be able to combine courses from the various institutions during their studies. Researchers should be able to easily collaborate and contribute to joint projects. It should also be easy for employees to switch between the institutions, as well as carry out exchanges.

EMERGE is an abbreviation of "European Margins Engaging for Regional and Global Empowerment".

All members are regional educational institutions located in the periphery of their countries. The members see this as an advantage because the institutions are key actors in their regions and aim to use this as a driving force for creating productive peripheries in Europe.

The institutions aspire to be key partners for working and social life, and to contribute to sustainable social and business development through research-based learning, entrepreneurship, and creativity.

Logoen til universitetsalliansen Emerge

EMERGE member institutions and associated partners

Logoene til de åtte partnerinstitusjonene og de fire assosierte partnerne oppstilt ved siden av hverandre


Contact person at INN University

Picture of Bente Gaalaas Rønningen Bolme
Senior Adviser



The University of Limerick in Ireland coordinates the collaboration in EMERGE.

Visit the university alliance's website