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Harassment and discrimination

Main goal: INN University shall be a workplace that works actively to prevent harassment and discrimination.

Sub-goal: INN University shall work to strengthen inclusion and involvement in the organisation. 

Measure: Agenda item in the local health & safety committee; information, discussion, and negotiation meetings; and student organisations

Implementation: Must be on the agenda at least once per year

Responsibility: head of local health & safety committee; information, discussion, and negotiation meetings; and student organisations. All INN University employees. 


Measure: Topic at departmental and unit meetings in relation with ARK (the employee survey)

Implementation: Clarify the topic in ethical guidelines and INN University policies

Responsibility: HR managers at all levels


Measure: Training of academic supervisors for PhD candidates, master’s degree, and bachelor’s degree students

Implementation: Topic at academic supervisor courses and forums

Responsibility: UC edu, PhD Coordinator, SPAs

Sub-goal: All employees shall contribute to a good freedom of speech climate and psychological security in the working environment

Measure: Describe what happens if you blow the whistle and/or report a concern, possible consequences and follow-up.

Implementation: Available to all employees via Innafor and the Speak Up page.

Responsibility: All INN University employees, HR and the Department of Communications.


Measure: Duty to act if harassment or discrimination are discovered

Implementation: Speak Up scheme

Responsibility: All INN University employees


Measure: Working environment efforts in the context of ARK

Implementation: Based on ARK initiatives

Responsibility: All INN University employees

Last modified Feb. 6, 2024 3:42 PM