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Scientific research, development, and artistic research

Main goal: Research, teaching and artistic development at INN University shall be characterised by diversity of expertise and perspectives.

Sub-goal: The faculties shall possess the knowledge and expertise relating to equality, diversity and inclusion in research and education

Measure: Present and communicate the situation in academia in general and at INN University in particular. 

implementation: 8 March, equality topics at management meetings and topical meetings at faculties.

Responsibility: Rector, HR in collaboration with the Equality and Diversity Committee.


Measure: Carry out e-learning courses in gender equality 

Implementation: Implementation in respective management groups 

Responsibility: Rector and dean


Measure: Carry out projects related to the development of equality and diversity measures

Implementation: Application BalanseINN+ (delivered November 2023, awaiting response to application February 2024)

Responsibility: Equality and Diversity Committee

Sub-goal: Researchers and research administration at the faculties shall have strong research expertise relating to equality and diversity

Measure: Establish an interdisciplinary R&D group working on equality and diversity in research projects.


Responsibility: Pro-Rector of research and director of research, vice-dean for research, R&D Committee. 


Measure: Diversity and equality are themes for central and local R&D committees. 


Responsibility: Pro-rector for research and vice-dean for research 

Sub-goal: All programmes of study shall have an equality and diversity perspective

Measure: Assess the relevance of equality and diversity in the curriculum and teaching.

Implementation: Can be through authors, lecturers, themes in the syllabus, themes in teaching. The library can assist with literature searches. 

Responsibility: Vice-dean for education, SPA, course coordinators, Equality and Diversity Committee 

Sub-goal: Equality and diversity perspectives in student recruitment

Measure: Develop and implement campaigns to recruit underrepresented genders/groups. 

Implementation: Preparation of communication strategies to reach minority groups – from campaigns and advertisements to outreach activities, open days, and collaboration with relevant players.

Responsibility: Pro-dean for education, Department of Communications, Department of Student Affairs.

Last modified Feb. 6, 2024 3:36 PM