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Systematic work on equality, diversity, and inclusion

Main goal: The work on equality and diversity shall permeate and be visible throughout the entire organisation.


Sub-goal: Continuity and systematics in the work on equality, diversity, and inclusion

Measure: Annual revision and evaluation meeting of the action plan for equality, diversity and inclusion

Implementation: Annual revision meeting

Responsibility: Equality and Diversity committee


MeasureThe Equality and Diversity Committee shall meet four times each year, in addition to workshops

ImplementationArrange committee meetings

ResponsibilityRector / director of HR


Measure: Dedicated HR resources with specialist responsibility and expertise in equality and diversity

Implementation: Prioritisation of duties associated with equality and diversity at INN University

Responsibility: Rector/ HR


Measure: Allocating funds for diversity and equality initiatives

Implementation: The Equality and Diversity Committee shall have funds to implement initiatives

Responsibility: Rector / director of HR


Measure: The equality report shall be discussed annually by the INN University management team

Implementation: Annual review of pay records from a diversity and equality perspective, discussion topic for the management group, presentation of the equality statement. 

Responsibility: Rector / director of HR, and Equality and Diversity Committee.


Measure: Equality and diversity efforts must be highlighted in the long-term plan and annual plan at each faculty

Implementation: Departments and faculties shall reference the action plans in their own governing documents

Responsibility: Dean, directors, and rector.

Last modified Feb. 6, 2024 3:45 PM