International Research School in Applied Ecology - IRSAE

The international research school in Applied Ecology (IRSAE) is an academic network for young researchers that aims to advance the quality of PhD education. The goal is to support their development to become responsible and outstanding future scientists and managers. 

Logo in yellow and black of a leaf for IRSAE

The network consists of 13 partner institutions in 5 different countries. It has over 100 PhD students and around 50 researchers as members.

The Faculty of Applied Ecology, Agricultural Sciences and Biotechnology at INN is the coordinating partner.

The annual summer school is the most important event of the year in IRSAE, and normally approximately 60 PhD candidates and 20 researchers participate. Besides the annual summer school, courses as well as other educational offers, such as workshops and seminars, are offered throughout the year. These offers aim to further develop the skill sets of the PhD students.

NB: This page is new and some info is incomplete. You can still visit the old page.

More about us

The mission of IRSAE is to advance the quality of PhD education within various research fields coupled to Applied Ecology thereby producing responsible future scientists & managers that can progress the present-day front in applied ecology further. There are over 100 PhD students and around 50 researchers from 13 partners and 5 different countries attached to IRSAE. PhD students and the participating research groups are the main players of the network.

IRSAE attempts to achieve its mission through various objectives:

  • To establish an interactive network of contacts and collaboration among PhD students, researchers and managers
  • To supply PhD-students with ecological theory and enable them to employ this theory in tackling management issues
  • To exchange and facilitate information between parties involved regarding the availability of existing PhD courses, seminars, research funding, career opportunities etc, and to create new PhD courses, conferences, and PhD meetings

Research Profile

“Apply ecological theory and methodology to develop comprehensive mitigation measures for the sustainable use and management of natural resources. To validate the desired effect of the previous we need effective and long term monitoring of the natural environment. Hence, the bulk of our research and education is focused towards mitigation, use, management and environmental monitoring (MUMM)”.


IRSAE has a Steering board which follows a consensus based decision-making process and is responsible for the strategic development of IRSAE, the budget and applications from new member institutions. The Steering board consists of six representatives from different partner institutions, and two PhD student representatives. The Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN) is the coordinating partner. Professor John Linnell (INN, NINA) is the chair of the Steering board, Associate professor Olivier Devineau (INN) is the program director, and Eliana Bontti (INN) is the scientific coordinator.

Themes in IRSAE

There are currently 5 thematic groups which reflect the expertise and interests expressed by IRSAE members. Other groups can be created if there is a senior researcher to lead the group and PhD students who are interested in contributing and collaborating in the group. 

Do you want to become a member?

Do you want to become an IRSAE member?


Male student standing in the river fishing.

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Sparebankstiftelsen Hedmark aims to contribute to growth and development in the region. The foundation provides support for good research projects - for the good of the society, that will benefit from the research activities in the future.