Indigenous Conference 2022

The research groups DivE and SPLP at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences are delighted to invite to a national conference on Indigenous research Friday 4 February 2022.

The conference has been established as a result of the Faculty of Education’s ambition to strengthen Sámi perspectives in their teacher education programmes. The key notes will be held in English and it there will be a choice of presenting papers in Norwegian or English.

Due to measures for infection control, the conference will be digital. Click here for full conference programme

Indigenous Research Conference: Research on Sámi perspectives in teacher education and pedagogy 2022.

Associate professor Jonas Yassin Iversen (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences) will open the conference with a keynote address on ethical challenges involved in researching Sámi topics as an outsider, titled ‘Approaching Indigenous research from the outside: Reflections on research ethics’. The conference will end with a keynote address by associate professor Ylva Jannok Nutti (Sámi University of Applied Sciences) titled ‘Stállostallat preschool children and preschool teachers in a Sámi preschool’. Nutti will present preliminary findings from the research project «Sámi mánná jurddavázzin – Sáme mánáj ussjovájaldibme – Samiska barn som tankevandrare».

We hereby invite researchers who wish to present at the conference to submit an abstract of maximum 400 words by 20 November. The abstracts will be peer reviewed and everyone will receive feedback on their abstract by 15 December. The abstract is submitted when you register for the conference, using this link:

The format for the presentations will be 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions and comments. We are planning for a physical conference at Hamar campus. However, if Covid-19 restrictions prevent us from meeting on campus, we will hold the conference online. See attachments for more information.

Important dates:

20 November: Deadline for abstract and registration of participation (same link)

15 December: Review of abstracts

4 February: Conference


Best regards from the conference committee

Picture of Jonas Yassin Iversen
+47 62 59 79 55
Picture of Hege Merete Somby
+47 62 51 72 82
+47 62 51 72 90
Published Feb. 2, 2022 11:04 AM - Last modified Nov. 22, 2022 10:44 AM