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Strengthening the work on internationalisation

INN University has become a member of the Comenius Association, a European university network that works specifically to strengthen internationalisation in teacher education programmes. This provides even better opportunities for exchange and collaboration for students and staff.

31 representatives for the network are posing in front of Centre Culturel St. Thomas.

Member institutions of the Comenius Association represented at the network meeting in Strasbourg in June 2024. (Photo: Comenius Association)

Aiming to strengthen intercultural competence and critical awareness

With membership in the network, there will be even better opportunities for exchange and collaboration with other teacher education institutions in Europe, both for students and staff at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.

In early June 2024, the Faculty of Education presented its application to join the Comenius Association network, and the faculty was accepted as a member the same week. The network consists of over 30 universities and colleges from 21 countries in Europe. All member institutions offer various types of teacher education programmes – from kindergarten education to secondary school education.

The aim of the network's efforts is to strengthen intercultural competence and critical awareness in the teacher educations through student and staff mobility.

“We aim to strengthen the intercultural competence in training European teachers and educators with the idea that they will, in turn, cultivate this competence in the future.” (Comenius Association) 

International weeks and practice periods in schools and kindergartens

The institutions that are members of the network offer international weeks specifically tailored for teacher education students, as well as shorter or longer practice periods in schools and kindergartens. They also offer modules and subjects that span for parts of or the entire semester or academic year, international weeks for staff with various themes, and other. All offers are in English.

The Faculty of Education already offers modules in English that are attractive to international students who wish to come to us, such as Education for Diversity and Sustainable Living (EDSL). Additionally, the faculty can offer practice periods at our partner schools and kindergartens. The faculty will also develop international weeks for both incoming students and staff from the teacher education institutions in the network.

Bilde av prodekan utdanning Gunhild Tomter Alstad og leder for studieadministrasjonen, Hilde Hildonen Brustad presenterte søknaden fra Fakultet for lærerutdanning og pedagogikk i nettverkets møte i juni 2024.
Vice-Dean for Education Gunhild Tomter Alstad and Head of Section at the Study Administration Hilde Hildonen Brustad presented the application from the Faculty of Education at the network meeting in June 2024. (Photo: Comenius Association)

The Comenius network – named after one of the founders of pedagogy

The network that the faculty has joined is called the Comenius Association. The network is named after Comenius, a Czech philosopher of education who is considered one of the founders of pedagogical science. Among other works, Comenius wrote the renowned "Didactica Magna" (Great Didactic). The name Comenius therefore describes the member institutions well: they are dedicated to training teachers to excel in the art of teaching – through intercultural competence.

The teaching profession exists in every country worldwide, providing an excellent foundation for collaboration between teacher education programmes across countries. For the Faculty of Education, membership in the network is one of many important factors in the quality of the study and making teacher education programmes more attractive. We now hope that both students and staff will be able to benefit from the network and the activities offered there.

Contact us

Picture of Gunhild Tomter Alstad
Vice-Dean for Education
+47 62 51 77 75
Published June 14, 2024 9:08 AM - Last modified June 14, 2024 9:08 AM