The Nightingale Conference 2022

Welcome to The Nightingales 11th Internationale Conference 24-25 February 2022. The topic for the conference is Reflect, re-think, and re-story in supervision.

Picture of Lillehammer City by night
Photo: Kjetil Rolseth


The supervision in the Nightingale gives mentors the possibility to reflect upon their own experiences, create new narratives and a get a better understanding of others perspective. New narrative which in best will not tolerate injustice – opposite the perspective that demand harder punishment, feel frustration - which often grow in fear and when people do not meet or reflect.  You can almost say the Nightingale is the peace-project we need today, especially when fundamental movements and nationalism are spreading and when intolerance and xenophobia are creating invisible walls preventing people from taking part in society.

At this network meeting we will discuss how supervision can help the mentors to create new narratives and a better understanding of their own action so that mentoring will not only become learning by doing but also learning by reflective doing. Supervision is one way to put words on one’s own experiences and reflect upon them, and as Dewey once said we do not learn from experience, we learn from reflecting on experience.

The mentoring programme Nightingale runs at eight Universities and University Colleges in Norway and it is supported by the Directorate of Children, Youth and Families (Bufdir).    

The Nightingale Program is part of an international network. Please visit The Nightingale Network`s website.



The conference will be a digital conference due to the covid pandemic.



Picture of Liv Randi Roland
Administrator, The Nightingale Menoring Network
+47 61 28 81 34


Registration must be completed by 18th of February 2022.



Thursday February 24:

9:45 – 10.00: Good morning on Zoom. Link to conference will be distributed through your registered e-mail.

10:00 – 10-30: Welcome and Board information, new board – new conference/network meeting

Liv Randi Roland, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social and Health Sciences (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences)

Erik Hagaseth Haug, Head of Department of Social and Health Sciences (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences)

Carina Sild Lönroth, Manager of the Nightingale Mentoring Network

10:30 - 11: 00: Project “Cultural Heart”

Carol Kvande and Janne Aasebø Johnsen

11:00 - 11:45: Introduction of the Miro Board and partner presentation

Peter Stammerjohann

Intercultural exchange across borders – Introducing the concept of IRIS (Intercultural Reflective Interactive Space)

11:45 - 12:00 Coffee break

12:00 - 13:00: Workshop/Group discussion: reflect, rethink, re-story in supervision upon own experiences

13:00 - 14:00: Lunch

14:00 - 15:00: Keynote speaker Sunil Loona

Structures, Cultures and Biographies - a conceptual framework for understanding difficulties minority students face in their daily lives

15:00 - 16.00: Plenary discussion

19:00 – 20:00: Evening gathering (optional)


Friday February 25:

9:45 – 10.00: Good morning on Zoom

10:00 – 11:00: Three partner presentations – Sharing experiences:

Karl Wegenschimmel & Margit Margit Severa, Nightingale Linz, Austria:

Mentors Diaries, Social Affective Learning

Karl and Margit will present data from mentors 78 diaries (2015-2018) and look into and show interesting samples of significant learning situations.


Peter Stammerjohann, Freie Universität Berlin:

Individual and collective dynamics of student-centered supervision.
Gaining experiences as a mentor through the connection of sensory-aesthetic perception and (self-)reflective practices


Elisabeth Arnesen, OsloMet:

How to increase self-understanding and awareness through the use of creative methods and activities in mentorship?

11:00 - 12:00: Workshop/Group discussion: own experiences and best practice - reflections after the presentations

12:00 – 13:00: Summing up – how to continue our supervisory practices


Portrettfoto av hovedtaler Sunil LoonaOn this network meeting we will have the great honour to listen to the key note speaker
Sunil Loona who is a trained psychologist, with post-graduate degrees in psychology from both India and Norway. He has extensive experience in working with minority students.

Sunil Loona is founder member of the Anti-Racist Center in Oslo. As a researcher he has written several academic articles on various topics related to minority issues.

His perspective is a class, structural racism and poverty.

We will discuss and listen to partners experiences of supervision, from different perspective: 
•    The supervisors 
What is happening in supervision? (New narratives by reflection, rethinking and re-storying) Taking the perspectives of others; the child’s and the caregivers. Improving self-knowledge, self-reflection, and a better self-efficacy.
The learning process. The reflective practitioner (Kolb and Donald Schon) 

•    The mentors
What problems do mentors struggle? What are their experiences? 
What do they highlight in their diaries, reflection notes and monthly reports?  
What are they thinking between the meetings and what do they point out at the end of the mentoring period?

•    The practitioner–four different examples of supervisions 

1.    Intercultural exchange across borders – Introducing the concept of IRIS (Intercultural Reflective Interactive Space) 
The presentation introduces the concept of IRIS (Intercultural Reflective Interactive Space) and the experiences of the first pilot run. The concepts behind the four letters will be outlined as pillars of the concept. A short report of the first pilot run, which took place between mentors of the Nightingale at PH Zug and FU Berlin, first findings are presented and possibilities for an extension to other partners of the International Nightingale Network are discussed.This will be the first introduction of the concept of IRIS (Intercultural Reflective Interactive Space) 

2.    Narratives by experiences 
In this research project you will hear more about how students and mentors wrote stories from their own experiences in meetings with other. The stories were written in a I-perspective, read in the seminars, and discussed. Next time student and mentors had to write the same stories again, but now from another perspective – a method inspired by “stories to live by” (Clandinin and Connelly.)  

3.    Individual and collective dynamics of student-centred supervision
Gaining experiences as a mentor through the connection of sensory-aesthetic perception and (self-reflective practices)

4.    How to increase self-understanding and awareness through the use of creative methods and activities in mentorship

Practical information



The conference will be held on the Zoom video plattform. Participants must have the Zoom client software installed before entering the conference.



Participation to the conference is free of charge.


About the "Cultural Heart":
is a local integration project and is a place where everybody should feel a belonging, and a place where they are listened to. A place where children and young people can share their own history, their talents, their language, and their culture. We are children and young people from many different countries and during the schoolyear we will present various performances by the assistance of professional artists.

Carol Kvande is a professional singer, actor, music teacher and director. She comes from South Africa and is a permanent director for ‘Cultural Heart. Janne Aasebø Johnsen is a teacher, author, dramatist, and publisher. She comes from Norway and is a permanent writer for ‘Cultural Heart’. Both live in Lillehammer.

Read more about "Cultural Heart" here (link)



Published Jan. 11, 2022 10:57 AM - Last modified Feb. 22, 2022 2:34 PM