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Faculty of Social and Health Sciences

Health workers sitting at an fieldtrack

Get to know the faculty 

We have an interdisciplinary, practice-oriented and professional profile, and a wide range of educational programmes and research communities within the fields of health, sports, public health and social sciences. 

The faculty receives the abbreviation HSV and is located at Elverum and Lillehammer. We offer decentralised and flexible studies in addition to full-time and part-time studies on campus. 


3887 students
241 employees

The Faculty of Social and Health Sciences (HSV) offers a wide range of educational programmes in our areas of study. Among other things, we offer health and social science bachelor’s programmes in nursing, social education, child welfare and social work, as well as physical education, sports, public health, and dental care. We also offer a number of master’s programmes, one-year study programmes and shorter courses. Relevance, development, flexibilisation and lifelong learning are important keywords. 

The academic and research communities at the faculty conduct extensive research and development activities. Read more about the research activity at the faculty below. 

The Faculty is responsible for the PhD programme  Child and Youth Participation and Competence Development, and has submitted an application for accreditation regarding a new PhD programme with an interdisciplinary approach: PhD in Health and Welfare. 

HSV collaborates extensively with external actors on education, supervised professional training, research and development projects. We are committed to building research projects in collaboration with working life and society, and to further develop collaboration in areas concerning the professional development of our educational programmes. Through the Unit for Externally Funded Activity, different educational programmes are tailored for the public and private sectors. 

                                     Faculty Srategy Document, 2021-2026



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Where to find us 

Contact information 


Dean Inge Brechan 

Vice-Dean Education Trine Bjerva

Vice-Dean Research Stian Ellefsen

Head of Administration Anette Gjerskaug

PhD Leader Mari Rysst


Student administration at HSV 

All HSV employees