Diversity and Equality Committee

The committee’s main purpose is to strengthen expertise in the field of equality and diversity, and to be a driving force behind follow-up of the work on equality and diversity by contributing to the realisation of the measures set out in the plan.


  • The Committee’s tasks must be based on INN University’s action plan areas of organisation and management, research, academic and artistic development and education, recruitment and development, as well as other areas of responsibility such as the Charter & Code. International perspectives must be reflected in the work. The Committee must support, make recommendations, and assist in implementing the measures adopted in the Action Plan for Equality and Diversity.  
  • The Committee must contribute to raising awareness among managers and employees about the work related to equality and diversity. The most important task in the period will be work on gender, ethnicity, and inclusion of persons with disabilities and ‘CV gaps’. Several of the proposed measures will be mapped before they are implemented.
  • The committee must be able to initiate measures and assess their effects through the respective management lines.

The action plan for equality and diversity 

Last modified Feb. 7, 2024 1:52 PM