PhD Committee

The PhD Committee at the faculties functions as an advisory body for the dean, in regard to academic decisions in general and in regard to the contents of the PhD programmes in particular. The committee holds the responsibility for ensuring that the taught component of the PhD programmes along with the thesis work constitute education at a high academic level, and follow the strictest international standards.

The committee has decision-making authority in accordance with the PhD Regulations at INN University. The Committee functions as an advisory body for the deans in the institutional accreditation work


The PhD Committee has the following mandate:

  • Develop guidelines for the PhD programmes that are approved by the dean
  • Make recommendations to the dean on admission of PhD candidates
  • Appoint supervisors for the PhD candidates
  • Approve the PhD candidates’ project plans, progress reports and taught component
  • Process cases pertaining to the approval of courses offered by other institutions
  • Process cases of PhD candidates pertaining to evaluation of theses, make recommendations regarding the composition of the evaluation committee to the dean, and see to the appointment of the committee
  • Approve the PhD examination and recommend to the dean in regard to PhD conferment
  • Review annual quality reports from the heads of the PhD programmes as detailed in the Quality System  


The dean appoints the members of the Committee, which consists of:

  • The head of the PhD programme (chairperson)
  • The pro-dean for research or a person appointed by the dean
  • Two scientific representatives from the PhD study programme’s core group and substitutes approved by the dean for a period of two years
  • One representative from the PhD candidates that is approved for one year at a time, and a substitute
  • The faculty’s research administration has a secretary function
Last modified Dec. 9, 2021 12:23 PM