Research and Development Commitee

On January 1st, 2018, a new Research and Development Committee was established at INN University. This committee replaces the former Research Committee and PhD Committee at Lillehammer University College and Hedmark University of Applied Sciences.

The Research and Development Committee at the departmental level is a strategic, coordinating and advisory body regarding INN University’s research, the artistic and academic development work, and the PhD programmes.

The Committee shall stimulate activities and ensure the quality in the relevant areas of activity, and ensure that the work is executed according to the applicable ethical guidelines.

The Committee may initiate necessary evaluations and other activities in order to contribute to INN University meeting its research and development strategic goals. 

In the mandate description, the term R&D encompasses both general research and development and artistic development work. 


The Committee is responsible for:

  • Preparing suggestions for INN University’s R&D strategy and action plans
  • Processing R&D cases delegated by the rector
  • Developing, managing and delegating the responsibility for supportive measures that can contribute to realizing INN University’s R&D goals
  • Processing cases pertaining to ethical questions connected to R&D work, and ensuring that the R&D work follows the established ethical guidelines
  • Managing the overall rules and regulations, joint guidelines and routines concerning the PhD programmes
  • Reviewing the annual reports from the faculties’ PhD committees and promoting measures to ensure the quality of the PhD programmes
  • Advising the rector regarding decisions based on §§ 5-6, 5-7 and 5-8 of the PhD Regulations, concerning involuntary termination of PhD education
  • Contributing to cooperation and coordination across all faculties and campuses
  • Reporting on the institutional operation in relation to the annual reporting to the Ministry of Education


The Committee consists of:

  • The pro-rector for research (chair)
  • The pro-dean for research or the persons appointed by the pro-dean
  • The heads of the PhD programmes and their substitutes (substitutes appointed by the dean)
  • One representative of the PhD candidates with a substitute (substitute elected by the PhD candidates
  • One student representative with a substitute (elected by STINN)

The central R&D administration has a secretary function.


Research and Development Committee

Pro-rector research and chair

Picture of Tomas Willebrand
+47 62 43 08 36

Other members

  • Audun Engelstad, pro-dean research AMEK
  • Anne Stine Dolva, pro-dean research HSV
  • Gudbrand Lien, pro-dean research HHS
  • Susan Nacey, pro-dean research LUP
  • Øyvind G. Antonsen, pro-dean research ALB and head of PhD ALB
  • Andreas Møllerhagen, Student represesentative
  • Karl Henrik Lønningdal, PhD candidate representative
  • Sabrina Granheim (substitute for Lønningdal)


Picture of Marte Tøndel
Research Director
+47 62 43 04 38
Last modified Dec. 9, 2021 11:19 AM