Norwegian version of this page

Research Integrity Committee

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences has a joint Research Integrity Committee together with the University of South-Eastern Norway. The committee is entrusted with dealing with cases related to unethical scientific practice and research misconduct at the two institutions.

The Research Integrity Committee has been established pursuant to the Act concerning the organization of work on ethics and integrity in research (the Research Ethics Act). The Act entered into force on 1 May 2017 and clarifies institutions’ responsibility for providing training in and the management of research ethics.

Notification forms


The Research Integrity Committee’s task is to process and comment on reported cases that address possible serious violations of recognised research ethics norms involving employees at the universities.

The Committee must always consider the following in relation to reported cases (Section 8):  

  • Whether or not the researcher has been involved in scientific dishonesty.
  • Whether there are system errors at the institution.
  • Whether the scientific work should be corrected or withdrawn.

Everyone, including persons and organisations outside the universities, has the right to report such cases.

Research Integrity Committee members

  • Chairperson of the committee: Annette Birkeland, jurist, Oslo kommune 
  • Professor Lars-André Tokheim, University of South-Eastern Norway
  • PhD candidate Aakfe Diepeveen, University of South-Eastern Norway
  • Professor Halvor Nordby, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
  • Professor Kjartan Østbye, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
  • Deputy member, Vice-Dean for Research, Professor Susan Lee Nacey, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
  • Deputy member, Associate Professor Truls Juritzen, University of South-Eastern Norway

Contact information

For questions/guidance, please contact 

Picture of Hans Tangen
+47 61 28 84 99
Picture of Anne Sofie Lofthus
+47 61 28 82 77



Last modified Apr. 5, 2023 10:50 AM