Suitability Committee

§ 4-10 (3) of the Universities and University Colleges Act presupposes that institutions have their own suitability committee.

Further provisions on the composition of the committee and case processing can be found in §§ 7 and 11 of the Regulations on suitability assessment in higher education (in Norwegian).

Members of the Suitability Committee at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN University)

The Suitability Committee at INN University consists during the period 01.04.2020–31.03.2023 of: 

Academic leader/head of the committee                  

Ingrid Guldvik, dean of Faculty of Social and Health Sciences

Head of academic programme                                

Andreas Engh Seland, associate professor at the Faculty of Education

Representatives of the field of practice

Janne Moen, professional development nurse Sykehuset Innlandet

Henning Løkken, internship teacher Borgen kindergarten

Representatives of the academic teachers            

Camilla Bennin, Faculty of Social and Health Sciences

Tor Solbakken, Faculty of Social and Health Sciences                   

External representative                          

Aslak Runde, lawyer at the firm Thallaug ANS

Student representatives*                       

Sonja Tan Nguyen and Samuil Teodosiev Simeonov.

*Student representatives are elected annually, and and the current representatives will sit on the committee 30.6.2022.

See also  

Contact information

Secretary of the Suitability Committee: Julie Brochmann

Last modified Feb. 24, 2022 9:44 PM