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The Board at INN University

The Board is the university’s highest authoritative body. It is responsible for ensuring that academic activities are of high quality and that the institution is run efficiently and in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and rules, and the frameworks and objectives stipulated by senior authorities.

The university board's chairman and rector

The university board's chairperson Maren Kyllinstad and rector Peer Jacob Svenkerud 

All decisions at the institution that are made by anyone other than the Board must be made after being delegated by the Board, and under the responsibility of the Board.

The Board at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences has 11 members. Four of the board members, including the Chairperson, have been appointed by the Ministry of Education and Research. Five board members are elected by the employees and two board members are elected by the students (the student representatives are elected for one year at a time). 

Board members

Board members for the period 1 January 2020 to 31 July 2023: 

  • Maren Kyllingstad, Chairperson, Ringsaker (appointed by the Ministry of Education and Research)
  • Björn Åstrand, Umeå, Sverige (appointed by Ministry of Education and Research)
  • Marte Kvittum Tangen, Tynset (appointed by the Ministry of Education and Research)
  • Thor Gjermund Eriksen, Oslo (appointed by the Ministry of Education and Research)
  • Per Øystein Hansen (valgt av de ansatte, representerer undervisnings-, forsknings- og formidlingsansatte) 
  • Bent Sofus Tranøy (elected by the employees, represents teaching, research and dissemination staff) 
  • Barbara Zimmermann (elected by the employees, represents teaching, research and dissemination staff) 
  • Marte Monsen (elected by the employees, represents teaching, research and dissemination staff) 
  • Hanne Furuheim (elected by the employees, represents technical and administrative staff)
  • Marita Sandstøl (elected by the students)
  • Odd Einar Heggdal (elected by the students)

Deputy board members:

  • Trond Haugerud, Kongsvinger (appointed by Ministry of Education and Research)
  • Laurence Marie Anna Habib (appointed by Ministry of Education and Research)
  • Ulla Higdem (1nd deputy board member, elected by the employees, represents teaching, research and dissemination staff)
  • Karin Boson (2nd deputy board member, elected by the employees, represents teaching, research and dissemination staff)
  • Camilla Vanebo (3rd deputy board member, elected by the employees, represents teaching, research and dissemination staff)
  • Knut Olav Skarsaune (4th deputy board member, elected by the employees, represents teaching, research and dissemination staff)
  • Morten Lommerud Amundsen (1nd deputy board member, elected by the employees, represents technical and administrative staff)
  • Mathias Enger  (1st deputy board member, elected by the students)
  • Andrea Lauritzen Indahl (2nd deputy board member, elected by the students)

Protocols and case documents

These are only avalable in Norwegian:

Meeting dates

The meetings are to be found in the calendar on

Contact information

Picture of Gunn Heidi Sorknes Holme
+47 61 28 83 22
Content manager: Gunn Heidi Sorknes Holme Last modified Nov. 14, 2023 9:48 AM