Norwegian version of this page

Student card

In order to access the university’s premises, you must have a student card. The doors are closed for part of the day, so you must have a student card and a code in order to access your campus building.

All INN University students have the right to obtain a student ID card. The ID card provides access to the campus’ premises, but is not valid as student identification. Student identification is provided by downloading an app.

INN University campuses are open for students with a student card, Monday to Sunday between 07:00-22:00. The card with its 4-digit PIN code must be used for access outside opening hours and in some of INN University’s zones. The PIN code is found in Log in with your username and password.  

When to order a student card

A student card can be ordered when the student has:

  1. Paid the semester fee.
  2. Completed the semester registration.
  3. Activated the student account.

Exchange students are not required to pay the semester fee. The International Office will provide specific information for when and how to order a student card. 

How to order a student card

A student card must be ordered through Visit the front desk/Service Point/International Office for assistance, if needed.

The steps are as follows:

1: Log in with your student (FEIDE) account.

2: Take a passport photo, but be aware of the following:

  • Use a white wall as the background.
  • Ensure adequate lighting of the face.
  • Look straight into the camera with open eyes.
  • Your entire face must be visible in the photo, preferably with extra space around it.
  • Headgear, sunglasses and accessories/clothing that hide the face should not be used. Religious headdress is exempted, but the entire face must still be visible. 

3: Take a picture of a valid ID

  • Only a driver’s licence, a passport or a European identity card is valid identification for students without a Norwegian National Identification Number. A picture of a bankcard with a photo can be submitted if a Norwegian identification number is present on the card. Hide/delete the CVV code. Name, picture and identification number must be visible. 

4: Select the campus of study for delivery

  • Students who do not need access to their campus, the library and printing/scanning at INN University, can opt for no physical card (only the digital student ID).
  • View the box “Where to collect the student card” to see possible locations for delivery. 

5: Click “Send inn” (submit). 

Where and when to collect the student card

Students will receive a text message when the card is ready to be collected or you can contact:

  • Blæstad: The office on the first floor of the Main building. 
  • Elverum: Kiosk by the Service Point on the first floor. 
  • Evenstad: Front desk/the Service Point on the first floor of Annes hus.
  • Hamar: The Service Point on the first floor.
  • Lillehammer: The Service Point on the third floor.
  • Rena: Kiosk by the front desk on the first floor.

NB: The card can only be collected in the campus of delivery.

The validity of the student card

The student card is only valid when the semester fee is paid. The validity is confirmed through the digital student ID card. All students need to download the digital student card app, which confirms whether one is an active student or not. Students who cannot download the app must contact the front desk / Service Point in their campus of study.

For exchange students, the card is only valid for the semester(s) of admission. 

Important information

The student card can only be used as:

  • An entrance card to the campus of study
  • A Library card in INN University’s libraries
  • A key card to print/scan/copy documents at printers in INN University’s campuses
  • Identification during an exam

The card cannot be used as a student identification card.

Students in online-based study programmes

Students taking online studies, or other students who do not need access to any campus, a library card or access to printing/copying documents are encouraged to use the student ID app.

Last modified June 6, 2024 12:21 PM