Norwegian version of this page

Development of the portfolio of studies

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences’ portfolio of studies consists of all programmes of study at all levels at all six faculties. Results from the quality assurance work will be used in further development of the portfolio of studies. This will be a continuous process that must be based on the university’s strategy.

Requirements in key quality and supervision regulations govern work on the development, approval, accreditation and revision of the university’s programmes of study. The procedure for portfolio of studies development describes this work, and it is elaborated upon through the routines, guides and templates below. Descriptions of programme of study procedures have been developed where the university is self-accrediting, and programme of study procedures that must be accredited by NOKUT. As a result, all the university’s programmes undergo the same processes and are subject to equally high quality requirements. All these quality elements are discussed in detail on the quality assurance system’s website.

Work on the development of the portfolio of studies follows an annual cycle involving regular activities:

Figure showing how the development of the portfolio of studies follows an annual cycle involving regular activities.
Figure showing how the development of the portfolio of studies follows an annual cycle involving regular activities.


The templates, routines and guidelines below have not been translated to English.

Process description Portfolio of studies (NO).

NOKUT - Academic Supervision Regulations (NO)

NOKUT - National Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning

Content manager: Department of Education Last modified June 23, 2023 2:16 PM