Periodic evaluation of programmes of study

Periodic evaluation of programmes of study is a systematic review and discussion of different aspects of each individual programme.

Completed periodic evaluations (NO)

Above is a link to the faculties’ plans for conducting periodic evaluations of the faculty’s portfolio of studies, as well as a link to the completed evaluations.

External representatives from working life or society, students and external experts relevant to the programme of study contribute to the evaluations.

Periodic evaluations take place at intervals no more than six years apart. Between these major evaluations, the university management will also carry out other rounds of reviews involving a selection of programmes. These reviews can have different starting points, objectives and focus.

During 2019, the university conducted four pilot evaluations in accordance with new guidelines for periodic programme of study evaluation. Some of these were not finished during 2019 and were therefore completed in 2020. From 2021, such evaluations will be carried out according to the normal cycle so that all programmes of study will be evaluated within the six-year period.

An assessment of all parts of the scheme has been initiated that will be completed February 2022.

In accordance with Section 2-1 (2) of Regulations concerning quality assurance and quality development in higher education and tertiary vocational education, evaluation results must be made public. The evaluation reports are therefore published on an ongoing basis in connection with this website.
