Election of student representatives

It is important for the quality assurance work and students’ participation in the educational programmes that the election of representatives at all levels is carried out in a proper manner.

Information about practical arrangements for the election and registration of the elected candidates is sent out to the faculties. 

Election of class representatives to the programme of study committees 

Class representatives are elected at the start of studies in the autumn and for all year groups. The class representatives are represented in programme of study committees on each programme.

  • The election of class representatives must be carried out no later than two weeks after the start of studies.
  • The election must be conducted in writing and anonymously. The person carrying out the election counts the votes and announces the result only in terms of who was elected to which seats.
  • One representative and a deputy must be elected per 30 students in each year group for all programmes of study and part-time programmes, up to five class representatives with at least one deputy or more if required.
  • A representative and deputy must be elected on continuing and further education programmes over 30 credits. Elections of representatives are not required on continuing and further education programmes of 30 credits and less.
  • The programme of study coordinator is responsible for appointing a professional member of staff to conduct elections in each year group. The programme of study coordinator must hand out information folders to those responsible for the election.
  • The person responsible for carrying out the election:
  • Hand out information folders to the class representatives
  • Provide information and encourage the class representatives to participate in class representative training and student council meetings
  • Provide information about the self-service registration in RUBIC.

Election of representatives to councils, committees and boards 

Appointment of student representatives at faculty level, to the Education Committee, Learning Environment Committee, Working Environment Committee, Appointments Committee, Appeal Board, Suitability Committee and student councils is made by the Students’ Union in the autumn and spring, respectively.

Election of representatives to the Inland Norway Students’ Union Parliament and the University Board 

The election of representatives to the Parliament and the University Board takes place by ballot in the autumn (normally in November) and is organised by the Inland Norway Students’ Union (StInn).


Last modified Dec. 13, 2021 10:54 AM