Quality assurance work in doctoral education (PhD)

The PhD programmes at INN University ensure and develop the quality of studies in accordance with the university’s quality assurance system and follow the same annual rhythm.

In the same way as programmes of study at BA and MA levels, this takes place through course evaluations, annual quality reports from the PhD programmes, as well as assessments and development measures at programme of study, faculty and institutional levels.

The programmes of study

Each PhD programme is considered equivalent to programmes of study in ordinary studies.

  • Each programme is led by a PhD coordinator, a position that corresponds to a programme of study coordinator.
  • Each programme also has a PhD committee that has a corresponding function to programme of study committees in ordinary studies when cases concerning the quality of education are dealt with. Course coordinators are also summoned so that the composition corresponds to the programme of study committees.

Evaluations and feedback

Since PhD programmes span over several years and the students follow individual courses of study, some elements have also been developed regarding the quality assurance and development of PhD programmes. The following additional evaluation schemes are specific to PhD programmes:

  • Midway evaluation
  • Progress reporting

Evaluations and feedback templates can be found in the PhD handbook.

Student participation

Each PhD programme has two representatives (ordinary + deputy) who represent the entire group of doctoral research fellows. The representatives normally sit one year at a time. The representative is a member on the PhD committee.


The PhD coordinator writes and submits an annual report that corresponds to the report made by the programme of study coordinators. The report is processed by the PhD committee and is then submitted to the university’s R&D Committee and to the dean of the faculty.

Development of the portfolio of studies

The development or conclusion of PhD programmes are major processes that are discussed over a long period of time at the university, faculties and R&D committees. The programmes are accredited by NOKUT. Guidelines for PhD courses are processed by the education committee.