Information regarding the Coronavirus

The coronavirus pandemic is constantly evolving and has major consequences for society. On this page you will find information about how INN University deals with the ongoing pandemic.

Students and staff must follow national and local measures, recommendations and advice.

See information and advice about the coronavirus situation from Norwegian authorities

Reducing the risk of infection

Everyone has a responsibility to help reduce the risk of infection spreading at INN University.

Remember to practice good hand hygiene and to keep your distance from others, in line with the national authorities’ infection control advice.

See also:

In case of illness or suspected illness

Stay home and do not arrive at the campus. Contact your local healthcare authority regarding a COVID-19 test.

Read about what to do if you are ill or suspect you are ill with COVID-19 (Norwegian Institute of Public Health)

COVID-19 testing

Local health authorities are responsible for testing when COVID-19 is suspected. Contact the health authorities if you think that you should be tested.

Read more about testing, symptoms and close contacts and find contact information for your municipality (

Information from the authorities

Here are some key websites that will provide you with more information about the coronavirus and the ongoing pandemic:

News about the Coronavirus