New COVID-19 measures from Wednesday 15 December

INN University is switching to digital teaching, increased use of home exams and home office.

A person in front of a keyboard of a laptop

“We follow the government’s orders and recommendations to help ensure that everyone has fewer close contacts. At the same time, we try to shield the students as much as possible and ensure their progression in their studies,” says INN University’s rector, Peer Jacob Svenkerud.

Switching to digital solutions 

The new national measures that the government presented on Monday night apply from Wednesday 15 December and for four weeks onward.

The government’s purpose is to reduce the burden on the healthcare services, and to delay and limit the spread of Omicron.

Among the measures the institution is implementing:

  • Digital teaching as far as possible.
  • Written school exams are to be converted to other forms of examination where this is academically justifiable. Information is provided from the respective study programmes.
  • Requirement for home office work for anyone who can work from home.
  • Social events for employees are to be cancelled or carried out digitally.
  • Meetings, courses, and conferences are to be conducted primarily digitally or postponed.

“Some exceptions are necessary. For example, physical attendance is needed for students in areas with skills training and practical exercises, and some employees must be present to avoid closure of the campuses,” says Svenkerud.

Open campuses

INN University keeps all campuses open, with the use of cards and a code for access.

The reception will remain staffed. The libraries will remain open, with a requirement of using a face mask. 

The Student Organization of Innlandet (SINN) keeps dorm receptions, cafeterias, and bookstores open. It is also possible to order and send books.

Reading rooms, student workspaces and group rooms can be used, with a requirement of one-meter’s distance from others or the use of a face mask when distance cannot be observed.

INN University implements enhanced cleaning in common areas. Hand sanitizer and disinfectants are available.

Digital start to the spring semester

The government's measures are initially planned to last for four weeks, i.e., until mid-January. This means a digital start to the spring semester for many students, but with certain exceptions.

Students are continuously informed about what applies to them in the learning platform Canvas.

Many employees will also start the new year with work from their home office.

INN University’s central emergency preparedness group shall meet in the first week of January to summarize the situation and assess measures further.

See also:

Published Dec. 15, 2021 1:36 AM - Last modified Dec. 16, 2021 3:50 PM