Increased activity at INN University campuses

INN University is set to switch to on-campus teaching as soon as possible and allows employees to return to the office.

Wooden cubes with letters forming the word COVID between two hand sanitizer bottles.

The government has eased a number of coronavirus measures from 1 February at 23:00.

“We are switching from many clear measures defined by the authorities to placing more responsibility on the individual. Understandably, this is a significant transition for many. It’s important to remember that the underlying assessment is that people become less severely ill from the currently dominant virus variant, and that many are vaccinated and are well protected against serious illness,” says INN University Rector Peer Jacob Svenkerud.

More on-campus teaching

The government is signalling that it wants a normalization of everyday life for students and recommends on-campus teaching.

Exemption has been granted from the requirement of one-meter’s distance under teaching situations.

“We will be switching to on-campus teaching as soon as possible. How quickly this can happen will vary from programme to programme,” says Stine Grønvold, pro-rector for education at INN University.

Student workspaces, reading rooms, group rooms, and libraries can also be used without a requirement of one-meter’s distance from others.

INN University sticks to the plan that has been set for exams in the spring semester to ensure predictability.

Can arrive at the workplace

The government has removed the requirement for home office work and leaves assessments on the use of home office to each individual business.

“Many of our employees must be present on campus when the teaching switches back to on-site activity. Other employees can largely work from their own office where it is possible to maintain a meter’s distance from co-workers. Therefore, we are allowing a return to the workplace,” says HR Director Lars Petter Mathisrud.

He emphasizes that INN University will remain flexible and open to the use of home offices when managers and staff consider it appropriate. This may, for example, apply to employees who need facilitation for health reasons, or employees who have increased care tasks due to increased sick leave instances in society.

Awaiting normalization

An increased spread of infection is expected in the coming weeks, with a normalization after March.

The government holds that we can adjust to living more “normally” from now on and aims to remove coronavirus measures completely from 17 February.

See an overview of INN University's applicable coronavirus measures

Overview of National recommendations and rules (

The government’s information regarding the coronavirus situation (

Read the government’s press release on the removal of coronavirus measure from 1 February (

By Tore Høyland
Published Feb. 2, 2022 11:28 PM - Last modified Feb. 2, 2022 11:44 PM