INN University follows new national coronavirus measures

The Government’s new national coronavirus measures guide INN University, which as of today has not implemented additional local measures.

COVID-19 illustration

“The development of infection is worrying, but we do not consider it necessary to take measures beyond the national instructions and recommendations. The situation today is different from before, partly due to vaccination status, and the government's conclusion is that we can tolerate more infection in society than before,” says institutional emergency preparedness manager, Marit Torgersen.

“We still monitor the situation closely and are prepared to react quickly, if necessary,” she continues.

Recommending the use of face masks

The government's new measures were introduced on 30 November and involve:

  • New requirement regarding quarantine and testing for adults living with an infected person.
  • Requirement of isolation in case of proven COVID-19 infection.
  • Recommendation on the use of face masks in contact with healthcare services, on public transport, in taxis, in shops and in shopping centres where it is not possible to keep your distance from others.
  • Recommendation for regular testing of school pupils, and assessment of increased use of home office in municipalities with increasing infection and high workload in healthcare services.

See the press release regarding the new coronavirus measures (

Proportionate measures

The government has stipulated that coronavirus measures should be proportionate, and no more intrusive in people's everyday lives than is necessary to keep the spread of infection and the burden on the healthcare system under control.

INN University therefore does not impose restrictions on planned activities beyond the national measures. This means that teaching, exams, meetings, and travel are carried out as normal.

“Good hand hygiene, and staying at home when you feel sick, are still good measures for reducing the spread of infection,” says Torgersen.

Exam period as normal

Students have expressed concern about the implementation of exams in the coming weeks given the general infection situation.

“Exams are an important part of the course of studies. No national orders, recommendations or advice dictate otherwise. Therefore, we plan to carry them out as intended,” says Pro-Rector for Education, Stine Grønvold.

She does not rule out that there may be changes for some study programmes. Students will be informed in the learning platform Canvas about what applies to them individually.

“Students who feel ill and have symptoms that may indicate coronavirus infection should not attend their exam, but rather stay at home. From Monday 6 December, it is not necessary to obtain a doctor’s certificate. A self-declaration is sufficient documentation,” says Grønvold.

Local measures

At INN University, local emergency preparedness groups have been established at each campus. These are responsible for dealing with the coronavirus situation.

The central emergency preparedness organization, which was responsible for the most acute phase of the pandemic, assists as needed and stays up to date on developments and local management.

“The central emergency preparedness group will be activated if the situation worsens and there is again a need for central coordination of coronavirus measures at the institution,” says emergency preparedness manager Marit Torgersen.

Published Dec. 2, 2021 10:59 PM - Last modified Dec. 4, 2021 4:16 PM