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Work at INN University

INN University is home to over 14,000 students, 1,200 employees and has campuses in Lillehammer, Hamar, Elverum, Rena, Evenstad and Blæstad.

INN University has been building strong and enduring educational and research environments that have significant impact regionally, nationally and internationally. We are continually developing an institution of high academic competence, with the goal of achieving university accreditation.

Our vision is “Stronger Together”.

See About INN University for more information about our academic portfolio, our focus areas and about the organisation in general.

Three smiling employees walking down a stair.

We strive to provide our employees with the opportunity for both professional and personal development in an inclusive and supportive working environment.

INN University’s personnel policy is based on the regulations and agreements that apply to the public sector in general and the university and university college sector in particular. These are supplemented by our own personnel provisions that are developed in close collaboration with our employees.

Our key objective is an inclusive environment that promotes collaboration and sharing. We actively seek to recruit women for leading academic positions, as well as uphold measures promoting gender equality, inclusion and diversity in general.

The University is working towards obtaining the European Commission’s «HR Excellence in Research» award, which gives public recognition to research institutions that have made progress in aligning their human resource policies with the principles set out in the Charter & Code Principles.

We offer

  • Opportunities for competence development through internal and external courses
  • Attractive salary and work conditions in accordance with state employment policy
  • Opportunities for employee involvement and participation in decision-making
  • Good administrative services
  • Attractive pension and welfare schemes

Research training

  • PhD candidates are given the opportunity to pursue professional development and qualification in innovative research environments, with the goal of becoming leaders in their field
  • PhD candidates are full-time employees with attractive salary and work conditions
  • Researchers are offered regular training and guidance in order to develop their skills as researchers

Charter & Code

The European Commission approved INN University's Charter & Code action plan, and granted the institution its Charter & Code certification in January 2020.

This means that we are committed to ensuring transparent recruitment processes, equal treatment of all applicants and excellent working conditions for academic and other staff.

The aim is to ensure fair and decent conditions for researchers, and thus contribute to the development of the European Research Area. The University has a strong focus on being a professional and good employer.

The Norwegian working environment and legislation is overall very good, and covers in general well the Charter & Code principles. The «HR Excellence in Research» award, once attained after a thorough analysis of our human resource policies, will identify the University as an even stronger provider and supporter of a stimulating and favorable working environment for researchers.