Charter & Code

The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Charter & Code) is a set of 40 general principles regarding the roles, responsibilities and rights of researchers and their employers and/or sources of funding.

Charter & Code logo

About Charter & Code

The principles were established by the European Commission in 2005 and cover ethical and professional matters: recruitment, appointment conditions and working conditions, as well as researcher education and career development.

Norwegian legislation covers the Charter & Code principles well. It references national deviation analyses carried out by the universities and university colleges sector and the institute sector.

Charter & Code is ratified at the institutional level. By adhering to the 40 recommended principles and obligations for teaching and research employees and the institution as an employer, an institution can apply to the European Commission to become certified and use the "HR Excellence in Research (HRS4R)" logo.

INN University awarded certification by the European Commission

In March 2018, INN University's Board authorized the rector to prepare and sign a notification to the European Commission that INN University adheres to the Charter & Code principles, and initiated the application work with a goal of achieving the European Commission's HR Excellence in Research certification and logo.

INN University organized the application work as a project with a project manager, work group, reference group and decision-making group. Information meetings were held and broad involvement of all employees via internal processes was implemented. Deviation analysis was carried out and an action plan was prepared.

INN University submitted its application in April 2019.

The European Commission approved INN University's Charter & Code action plan, and granted the institution its Charter & Code certification in January 2020.

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Last modified Nov. 23, 2021 11:19 AM