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Active Learning Methodology Series

Becoming Agents of Change

Action Projects for
Sustainability Learning

This toolkit elaborates a multi-staged learning cycle for implementing action projects with learners which
incorporates an inquiry-based learning model with a cooperative-learning approach and targets realworld
application of learning to achieve critical praxis.

Available in following languages: EN, NO (coming end 2024)

Front cover of the toolkitSusTimeAbility

An educational approach to promoting time use competence.

Is the twelfth toolkit in the series and is focussed on increasing time use competence in learners, through an experiential approach, so they can be aware of how to create time wealth.

Available in following languages:  EN, NODE

Front cover toolkitPlaying for the Future

Sustainable Development Games

Is the eleventh toolkit in the series and is focussed on engaging learners in active and creative exploration of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through playful learning and games. 

Available in following language:  ENNO

For more supporting materials, please visit the play4future digital resources bank

Front cover of the toolkit

Food for Thought 

Is the tenth toolkit in the series and aims to strengthen learners' ability to deal with socio-scientific issues (SSIs) and Grand Challenges (i.e., urgent global problems) which relate directly to the pursuit of sustainable development.

Available in following languages:  ENNOES, JP

For more images, please visit the Food4Thought image bank

Front cover of the toolkit

Education for Sustainable Consumption through Mindfulness

Is the ninth toolkit in the series and offers a variety of ideas and suggestions for teachers, trainers and other pedagogical professionals who want to experience and try mindfulness exercises together with those they teach or train.

Available in following languages:  EN,  NO,  DE

Front cover of the toolkit

Dare to Differ 

Is the eighth toolkit in the series and focuses on inquiry-based learning. Specifically the toolkit draws on the 5Es Model as a specific inquire-based learning model. This model adapts the generic inquiry-based learning cycle (i.e. ask-investigate-create-discuss-reflect) into a more defined set of five phases, each with a distinct purpose and learning approach. 

Available in following languages:  EN,  NO,  ES

Front cover of the toolkit

Why buy?

The symbolic value of consumption

Is the seventh toolkit in the series and focuses on historical reflection, self-analysis, and comparison of examples as key learning strategies, to help explore themes related to responsible living and sustainable development. The toolkit encourages communication between students and elders in their families or communities.

Available in following languages:  EN,  NO,  ES

Front cover of the toolkit

The Power of Media

Is the sixth toolkit in the series and focuses on using different media as a key teaching and learning strategy to explore themes related to responsible living and sustainable development. The toolkit presents background information on Education for Responsible and Sustainable Living and Multiple Intelligence theory and provides a range of active teaching and learning activities using different media.

Available in following languages:  EN,  NO, JP

Front cover of the toolkitWhat's the story?

Is the fifth toolkit in the series and focuses on storytelling as a key teaching and learning strategy, to explore themes related to responsible living and sustainable development. The toolkit includes background information on education for responsible and sustainable living and the Millennium and Development Goals (MDG’s).

Available in following languages:  EN,  NO,  NL,  RU

Time as a Resource

Is the fourth toolkit in the series and focuses on using a range of active teaching and learning approaches and strategies to explore the themes of: the inter-relationship between environmental, economic, social and political resources in everyday life; time as a resource and the ability to think of the future; and critical analysis, planning and decision making in determining personal action. 

Available in following languages:  EN,  NO, JP

Financial Literacy

Is the third toolkit in the series and aims to help learners gain knowledge and understanding of the concepts of personal finance and the various terms related to the theme. It further helps learners apply their newly gained knowledge in an integrated manner in order to make responsible choices and take action for their own benefit and the benefit of others.

Available in following languages:  EN,  NO,  ES,  IS,  ET,  RU, JP

Personal Consumption and Climate Change

Is the second toolkit in the series and focuses in particular on using photographs and a range of active teaching and learning approaches and strategies to explore the themes of: personal consumption, climate change and responsible living. 

Available in following languages:  EN,  NO,  ES,  RU, JP


Images and Objects

Is the first toolkit in the series and builds on the already well documented use of images and photographs in education. The toolkit might provide a "quick start" for teachers/facilitators who would like to use a visual approach to exploring aspects of Sustainable Development in their teaching and learning environment.

Available in following languages:  EN,  NO,  PTFR, RU


Additional resources connected to the Active Learning Methodology series:

Published Oct. 11, 2022 1:35 PM - Last modified July 3, 2024 1:44 PM