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The Centre works to advance knowledge at all levels of society, from the classroom to national and international levels. Below is an overview of CCLs activities and work areas.

Partnership and Cooperation

CCL and its partners bring together experts on sustainable development from different fields and create opportunities for collaborative learning. CCL organises workshops, seminars and conferences for regular knowledge sharing and dissemination. The Centre strengthens the exchange of knowledge by connecting people from diverse backgrounds and disciplines, and facilitated cross-disciplinary solutions to solve complex challenges.   

Research and Concept Development

CCL and its partners lead and participate in relevant research projects about Education for Sustainable Development. Participation in these research projects have produced a number of studies that highlight different perspectives within social innovations, consumer behaviour, capacity building, systems thinking and active learning. Based on these studies, the Centre develops learning methods and teaching materials, arranges research conferences, and has a large international network of distinguished researchers and educators.

Policy Evolution

CCL and its partners work for advancing Education for Sustainable Development policy and to ensure the inclusion of social and personal dimensions to sustainable development in curricula, as well as the use of progressive pedagogies and learning approaches. This is done by exchanging research, sharing knowledge and providing guidance to government authorities and organisations in Norway and beyond. This work has included policy support and development of national guidelines related to education and sustainable consumption for countries in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa.  

Pedagogy and Teaching

CCL and its partners develop, test and pilot learning toolkits on a variety of topics such as climate change, responsible living and consumer issues. The materials can easily be adapted to formal and informal education settings and for different age groups. This work aims for innovations in teaching approaches and pedagogy, and the learning methods have a student-centred, active and experiential focus that address values, attitudes, skills and knowledge. The materials also aim to develop both individuals and communities of learners as important actors in the effort to live more sustainably and secure justice for all.

Capacity Building

CCL and its partners contribute to the development of teacher education and are committed to activities related to education for sustainable development locally, nationally and internationally. The work includes increasing the quality of teacher practices and contributing to active learning and interdisciplinary education. The Centre runs teacher training programmes, thematic days and workshops on active learning approaches for sustainable living. CCL places strong emphasis how lifestyle choices in today's complex, globalised world affect both people and the environment.

Advocacy and Information Dissemination

CCL develops, translates and distributes relevant materials, such as booklets that describe good practices on sustainable lifestyles from around the world. These materials are distributed to educational institutions, authorities, organisations and teachers to inspire new opportunities and approaches. CCL and its partners coordinate and report on activities to related to the SDG's in the context of the Global Action Plan for Education for Sustainable Development and the 10-Year Framework of Programs for Sustainable Consumption and Production.

Last modified Apr. 15, 2024 10:01 AM