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International seminar on education for sustainable development and global citizenship education

This seminar, Reframing Sustainability Learning - from net-zero to Net-Positive: Exploring the roles of education for sustainable development in higher education, has been co-organised by the UNESCO Chairs from INN University and Okayama University, Japan.

A path in the woods
Photo: Colourbox

Participation in this event is open, and you are welcome to make a paper presentation during a parallel session.

We ask that all interested persons register both participation and paper presentation by 23 February 2024 at the following link:


Over the past few years, multiple international commissions and expert groups have reported on the need for a reframing of education to better enable the sector to realise its potential as an important means of implementation for achieving the SDGs and for setting humanity on a collective path towards realising a fair and just sustainable future for all. By bringing together international experts in the fields of education for sustainable development and global citizenship education, the Core-to-Core joint seminar aims to foster productive dialogues around these key issues and challenges for reimaging the futures of education together.

Expected Outcomes

  • Further enhancement of the ongoing collaboration between Core-to-Core partners and identification of specific opportunities for advancing common priorities between the UNESCO Chair programmes at Okayama University and Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.
  • Sharing, alignment and reporting on best practices in teaching and research on ESD and GCED in diverse contexts and through international collaboration.
  • Supported exchange between young researchers and deepened awareness of international perspectives and approaches in research on ESD and GCED.
  • Suggestions and recommendations for fostering higher education institutions that are mission-driven and responsive to generating social impact and addressing the grand socio-ecological challenges of our time.


The event will bring together approximately 50 participants (including keynote speakers, university leadership, professors and lecturers, and young researchers) from Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Okayama University, and participants from other universities who are partners of their UNESCO Chair networks from Europe, Asia, and other regions.

Programme Wednesday, 13th March 2024


Registration at Hovedbygget C / Main Building C – lower foyer

9:15-9:45: Auditorium 2

Opening Ceremony with MCs: Robert J. Didham (INN University) & Hiroki Fujii (Okayama University)

  • Morten Ørbeck (Dean, Faculty of Education, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences)
  • Atsushi Takase (Dean, Faculty of Education, Okayama University)
  • Robert J. Didham (INN University)
  • Hiroki Fujii (Okayama University)

9:45-11:15: Plenary 1 – Aligning ESD with inclusive, quality education for all – the foundation of values and culture in learning institutions Auditorium 2

  • Session Chair: Hiroki Fujii (Okayama University)
  • Keynote Speaker: Victoria Thoresen (INN University)
  • Panel Discussion

11:15-11:45: Tea/Coffee Break 

11:45-13:00: Parallel Sessions 1

  • 1A: ESD – addressing the socio-emotional learning domain - 2N1102 (Biohuset)
  • 1B: GCED – addressing the socio-emotional learning domain - 2N1103 (Biohuset)

13:00-14:00: Lunch
14:00-15:30: Auditorium 2

  • Plenary 2 – Integrating interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches for ESD and GCED in teacher education
  • Panel Discussion

15:30-16:00: Tea/Coffee Break

  • Parallel Sessions 2 – Teacher Education and Pedagogical Practice
    • 2A: ESD – advancing pedagogical practice
    • Venue: C063
    • 2B: GCED – advancing pedagogical practice
    • Venue: C064

17:15-18:45: Networking Event - “Playing Games for Sustainability” in the Future Classroom Lab tentative.

Programme Thursday, 14th March 2024

9:15-11:00: Auditorium 3

  • Plenary 3 – Accelerating the ESD agenda in Higher Education – how universities can strengthen their roles in supporting achievement of the SDGs
  • Session Chair: Robert Didham
  • Keynote Speaker: Annette Scheersoi (University of Bonn)
  • Panel Discussion: How to transform the perspective of Higher Education? – from net-zero to Net-Positive

11:00-11:30: Tea/Coffee Break

  • Roundtable 1: Higher Education institutional policies and strategies alignment with the SDGs

Venue: C063

Session Chair: Jens Uwe Korten (INN Univ.) and Toshinori Kuwabara (Okayama Univ.)

  • Roundtable 2: Innovations in educational programmes for achieving Sustainability-competent graduates and change agents

Venue: B006
Session Chair: Stine Grønvold (INN University)

  • Roundtable 3: Innovations in Research on ESD and GCED

Venue: C064
Session Chair: Susan Nacey (INN University)

12:30-13:00: Plenary Sharing and Collective Discussion on key findings from 3 roundtable dialogues. 

Venue: Auditorium 3

13:00-14:00: Lunch


  • Workshop 1: ESD Active Learning methodology workshop

Venue: C064

  • Workshop 2: Early Career Researchers joint seminar

Venue: B006​​​​​​​

16:00-16:30: Tea/Coffee Break

17:30: Maxi taxi leaves from hotel Astoria to Domkirkeodden

18:00-19:00: Cultural Event Medieval Tour around Domkirkeodden A maxi taxi will take us from the hotel to the cultural event. The tour will last one hour in beautiful settings. The maxi taxi will drive us back to the restaurant after the tour has ended.

19:30-21:00: Group Dinner At Victoria Haven

Programme Friday, 15th March 2024


  • Plenary 4 – Reimaging our Futures Together – the pathways forward

Venue: Auditorium 4
Session Chair: Daniel Fischer (Leuphana University Luneburg)

  • Keynote Speaker: Frans Lenglet (Uppsala University)
  • Panel Discussion

11:00-11:30: Tea/Coffee Break

  • Closing Ceremony

Venue: Auditorium 4

  • MCs: Robert J. Didham (INN University) & Hiroki Fujii (Okayama University)

12:30-13:30: Lunch

Tags: Education for Sustainable Development, Higher Education
Published Dec. 20, 2023 1:14 PM - Last modified Apr. 25, 2024 2:24 PM