About Sustainability

About Sustainability… is a podcast presented by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, featuring IGES staff and guests having in-depth discussions about sustainability-related topics.

Each episode addresses a different topic of conversation -- be it an upcoming event, a debate of interest, or an interesting research finding. With the topic as a starting point, we see where the conversation takes us. We aim at a broad audience, so we avoid using jargon and try not to assume lots of pre-existing knowledge on the topic. Views expressed during the podcast are those of the speaker at the time of recording and are not the official positions of IGES or other organisations involved.

Our UNESCO Chair holder Robert J. Didham was invited as guest speaker on two podcast. In the first podcast he he discusses the importance of education for sustainable development and its place in Agenda 2030 as SDG 4. He explains how SDG 4 takes a comprehensive focus on education when compared to earlier approaches such as the Millennium Development Goals. 

In the second podcast Robert focused on whether the right skills are taught in schools to equip people with skills and priorities necessary to bring about a more sustainable world rather than one characterized by competition and scarcity. 

Published Dec. 13, 2022 8:19 AM - Last modified Dec. 13, 2022 8:31 AM