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Research and Development Projects

CCL is involved in several research and development projects. Please find an overview of both active and ended projects. 

Digital Education for Sustainable Development across Europe

Project period: 2023-2026

The aim of the project is to create 17 virtual story boards/learning platforms on each of the 17 SDGs to increase awareness on the SDGs and to increase the number of teachers motivated to teach on this topic. The project combines new media with important knowledge content to create a meaningful unit that makes learning fun. Collaborating partners in the project are: Storydocks, Germany (project lead), Hungarian Research Teachers' Association (HRTA), Hungary, Cyprus Pedagogical Institute, Cyprus, Blue Carrot, Poland.

For more information about the project, kontakt:

Sustainable Eaters: Consumers in a sustainable Norwegian food system

Project period: 2021-2025

The aim of the project is to establish what sustainable behaviour is in connection with Norwegian food systems and across different Norwegian consumption profiles and to trigger solutions for sustainable change in society. The project also aims to define sustainable food systems in Norwegian context and propose solutions that can be implemented as consumer support to help them embrace a sustainable future in food. Partners in the project are academic institutions, NGOs, food productions companies and grocery shops.CCL is involved in workpackage 3: Education, awareness raising and experiential learning in the project Sustainable Eaters.

Sustainable Eaters project description for Education PhD call

For more information about the project, kontakt:

Bridging the gaps in teacher education and schools through interdisciplinary work (BRIDGES)

Project period: 2020-2024

Interdisciplinary work is decisive to succeed with education rapidly developing and society bringing a future with uncertainties. Collaborating across different disciplines are needed to face the societal challenges we are up against. To be successful, we need to bridge the gaps between academic disciplines and school subjects – within teacher education and in school. The overall aim of BRIDGES is to produce new research-based knowledge and practice for teacher education.

From August 2020 a new National Curriculum was implemented in Norway, changing the school with, among several things, three cross-cutting themes expected to address current and future societal challenges:

  • public health and life skills
  • democracy and citizenship
  • sustainable development

Through systematic work with quality in education and partnership, BRIDGES will test, evaluate, and document teaching about, for, and through these three themes in search for examples of best practices. The project will also produce and share learning material. The results of this project will improve teacher education’s capability to adapt to the needs of schools. Additionally, it will strengthen teacher education and teacher educators as resources for schools, local society, and policymakers. Schools have started bridging the gaps between and across school subjects in their preparations for implementing the new curriculum. This is, therefore, a favorable time for this project as we can test new ways of collaboration and bridging gaps in the education system.

BRIDGES is based on three well-established teacher education institutions working in different ways with developing, strengthening and systematizing interdisciplinary work within their teacher education programs. This provides unique opportunities for rich comparative research.

For more information, please visit the projects website

Sustainability Education in All-Day Schools (SustainAll)

Project period: 2020-2023

The aim of our project is to support All-day schools in developing a curriculum as well as day-to-day practices, which foster sustainability education and make an impact toward climate stability.The project endorses the whole-school approach, integrating ESD / transformative education in a holistic manner. Accordingly, teaching and learning for sustainability is extended to aspects such as community involvement and integrated governance. The whole-school approach further advocates for active, participatory learning. Collaborating institutions in the project are: University of Klagefurt, Austria, Ludwigsburg University of Education, Germany, University do Porto, Portugal and CCL at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway. 

The project has both developed an Imoox course and also short spark videos with examples of how schools are dealing with different aspects of ESD in their schools. To access the videos and find more information about the Imoox course, please click here. 

For more information about the project contact:

Formation of Centre of Excellence to Promote Teacher Education for ESD: Towards Achieving SDGs

Project period: 2021-2024

Okayama University, Japan, in collaboration with Leuphana University of Luneburg, Germany; Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway; University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and York University, Canada were successful in their application to Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) for their Core-to-Core program to establish Advanced Research Networks.The program is designed to create world-class research hubs in research fields considered to be cutting-edge and internationally important in Japan and fostering the next generations of trailblazing young researchers.

For more information about the Centre of Excellence

RESPOND - Sustaining the professional development of teachers within schools as professional learning environments. 

Project period: 2021-2024
RESPOND aims to

- investigate and identify what kinds of professional learning experiences provide input that can trigger change;

- how durable change can be triggered in terms of the relationship between the structure of professional profiles and ways in which professional learning experiences can strengthen that structure
- how this relates to the organization of learning environments and corresponding change within the teaching community
For mer informasjon om prosjektet, kontakt:


Project period: 2021-2023

EduGlobe project aims to defend the interests of students, teachers, schools and civil society organizations in the process of creating, implementing and monitoring of the new National Strategy for Global Education. The project aims to strengthen the network and professional capacities of the Ambrela’s Global Education Working Group, which will ensure quality inputs of its members into the process of creating the National Global Education Strategy (NS GE), to which Ambrela was invited by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic as a strategic partner in 2020.

For more information about the project, contact:

Past Projects

Last modified Mar. 19, 2024 12:16 PM