CCL (2016-2021)

Sustainable Leadership

Project period: 2020-2022

This is a collaborating project between the Faculty of Audiovisual Media and Creative Technology (AMEK), the Faculty of Teacher Education and Pedagogy (LUP) and CCL at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Hamar and Lillehammer. The main purpose of the project is to develop an online study in sustainable management, especially suitable for those who want to develop their ability to lead sustainable development processes in a professional context. This study will provide leaders with an interdisciplinary basis for dealing with issues and demands they will encounter in connection with political, legal, economic, social and environmental challenges, as well as for strategic organizational work in accordance with the UN's sustainability goals.

To apply for the study or read more about it (in Norwegian language only)

DIKU project: “INN builds capacity”

Project period: 2019-2022

The Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Audiovisual Media and Creative Technologies, and CCL were awarded a grant from the Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (DIKU) connected to the programme Student Active Learning. The project focuses on strengthening students’ generic skills, resilience and capacity for change and the use of Virtual Reality technologies in teacher training.

"Let's Take Care of the Planet"

Project period: 2019-2021

The "Let's take care of the planet!" Project comes from an application to the Citizens Activites Program, co-financed by the EEA Grants Fund, supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. The Calouste Gulbenkiam Foundation and the Bissaya Barreto Foundation are the managing entities of this program.

The overall objective of the project was to reinforce the democratic culture and civic awareness of school-age youth through the implementation of the methodology of the European project "Let's take care of the planet!" in Portugal, in a structured and networked way. The project was coordinated by the ASPEA - Portuguese Association of Environmental Education, together with the following partners: the Centre for Collaborative Learning for Sustainable Development (at Inland Norway University), the Assembly of the Republic of Portugal, the Portuguese Institute of Sports and Youth (IPDJ), the Youth Centre of Lisbon (CJL), the NOVA University of Lisbon, the five Schools Association Formation Centres (CFAE), and the General Directorate of Education in Portugal.

Outcomes of the project: A toolkit was developed with the following title:

Change Actions for the local, sustainable future we want: Training for trainers methodology pack

This methodology challenges learners to become agents of change in their own communities and to initiate first steps towards the wider social transformation called for in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.1 By identifying actions that they can take to address sustainability issues in their own communities, learners will be able to draw strong connections between the personal, local and global dimensions of sustainable development. 

The toolkit is available in EN and PT

Projects website:

Wang Toppidrett Hamar, videregående og ungdomsskole

Prosjektperiode: 2019-2021 

Var et forskningsprosjekt for å utvikle et tverrfaglig undervisningsopplegg om bærekraftig utvikling med progresjon fra ungdomsskole til videregående skole, og hvor CCL er involvert som ekstern samarbeidspartner. 

Prosjektet fikk bevilget kr. 120 000,- kroner i midler fra Den Naturlige Skolesekken.

Jump into Sustainable LIFESTYLES

Project period: 2017-2019

The project aimed at intensively disseminating and adapting innovative practices of education for sustainable development in partnering countries. 

Project coordinator: the Lithuanian Children and Youth Centre (LCYC). 

Project partners: Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN), Centre of Creative Learning "Annas 2", LatviaEesti People to People, Estonia 

Target groups: Schools teachers, Schools administration, Students and their family members 

Outcomes of the project: Education for Sustainable Living - Active Methodology Toolkit

Available in following languages: ENLTLVEE 

Project website:

Last modified Feb. 2, 2024 3:04 PM