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Good Practices Booklet Series

The series of booklets focus on formal education systems as well as informal education and provide an overview of policies and practices from diverse countries to assist further action around the globe. 

Education for Sustainable Lifestyles

Learning to live for people, planet and prosperity

This booklet is the first in a new series collecting good practices in education for sustainable lifestyles from around world, which is increasingly identified as an important step in linking personal responsibility and practice to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Available in following language: EN


Learning to Know

Developing the ability to: apply knowledge in practice; foster curiosity and discovery; negotiate complex realities; question "truths" and read between the lines

Available in following languages: EN,  NO




Learning to Do

Developing the ability to: investigate; apply; adjust; adapt and facilitate

Available in following languages:  EN,  NO





Learning to Be

Developing the ability to: learn continuously; extend one's knowledge beyond traditional limits; trust and empathise; dare to get involved; become a global change-agent

Available in following language: EN




Learning to Transform Oneself and Society

Developing the ability to: identify principles; know oneself; make critical, reflected decisions; generate and implement new ideas; solve conflicts; be of service to others

Available in following language: EN




Learning to Live Together

Developing the ability to: reflect on the purpose of life and on our personal and collective needs and actions; take responsibility for ones own betterment and for the advancement of society as a whole; consult in the public and private discourse on the nature, purpose and choices involved in human development; be creative in envisioning and constructing alternative solutions and challenges; collaborate with others through continual questioning, learning and taking action; commit to both short and long-term goals.

Available in following language: EN

Last modified Jan. 29, 2024 9:48 AM