RaAM 2020

The 13th conference for the Association for Researching and Applying Metaphor (RaAM) was held from 18-21 June 2020 as a virtual conference.

Studiested Hamar

Logo and pictures of Hamar and an homeRaAM 2020 was hosted by the Faculty of Education at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN University) in collaboration with the Centre for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan (Multiling), a Centre of Excellence at the University of Oslo.

This conference aims to explicitly address and further explore the links between figurative communication and creativity among people with different language backgrounds.

RaAM 2020 Scientific committee

Ensuring the high quality of RaAM 2020

  • Kathleen Ahrens, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
  • Hamad Al-Azary, University of Alberta, Canada
  • John Barnden, University of Birmingham, UK
  • Ksenija Bogetić, University of Belgrade, Serbia
  • Marianna Bolognesi, University of Bologna, Italy
  • Lorena Bort-Mir, Universitat Jaume I, Spain
  • Per Boström, Umeå University, Sweden
  • Cristina Cacciari, University of Modena & Reggio Emilia, Italy
  • Jurga Cibulskienė, University of Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Alan Cienki, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Francesca Citron, University of Lancaster, UK
  • Herbert L. Colston, University of Alberta, Canada
  • Allison Creed, University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Valentina Cuccio, University of Parma, Italy
  • Alice Deignan, University of Leeds, UK
  • Kristina Despot, Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics, Croatia
  • Lettie Dorst, University of Leiden, Netherlands
  • Charles Forceville, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Elena Isakova, Tver State University, Russia
  • Thomas Wibe Jensen, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
  • Marlene Johansson Falck, Umeå University, Sweden
  • Jeannette Littlemore, Birmingham University, UK
  • Helga Mannsåker, University of Bergen, Norway
  • Joanna Marhula, Samsung R&D Institute Poland, Poland
  • Andreas Musolff, Universtiy of East Anglia, UK
  • Cornelia Müller, Europa Universität-Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
  • David O’Reilly, University of York, UK
  • Julia Ostanina-Olszewska, University of Warsaw, Poland
  • Julian Perrez, University of Liège, Belgium
  • Gill Philip, University of Macerata, Italy
  • Ana Ma Piquer-Piriz, University of Extremadura, Spain
  • Maciej Rosiński, University of Warsaw, Poland
  • Elena Semino, University of Lancaster, UK
  • Inesa Šeškauskienė, University of Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Paula Pérez Sobrino, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
  • Eve Sweetser, UC Berkeley, USA
  • Dennis Tay, Hong Kong Polytechnic Universtiy , Hong Kong
  • Paul Thibodeau, Oberlin College, USA
  • Mila Vulchanov, NTNU, Norway
  • Ben Pin-Yun Wang, Universtiy of Victoria, Canada
  • Ning Yu, Pennsylvania State University, USA
  • Jordan Zlatev, Lund University, Sweden

Contact information

Picture of Susan Lee Nacey
Vice-Dean for Research
+47 62 51 76 28