Public Innovation and AI

A international seminar about AI, digitalization and public innovation, hosted by Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.

Photo: Colourbox

In January 2020, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (HINN), Lillehammer, organized a seminar on public innovation, with Jean Hartley (Open U) Karin Geuijen (Utrecht U) and Lars Fuglsang   (Roskilde U) as presenters. Afterwards, Rolf Rønning (chair of the seminar) initiated a book project with the three presenters. Manuscript for the book (Valuing Public Innovation) has now been delivered. During the work process, we were asked about a topic for a new seminar.

Digitalization and artificial intelligence (AI) emerged as an important topic to focus on. Lars Fuglsang (part-time at HINN) and Rolf Rønning therefore took the initiative for this seminar.

With financial support from HINN, it has been possible to invite seven speakers from different countries to approach the topic from different angles at an online seminar.

The presenters are also invited to contribute to an anthology on the topic. They have been selected because they have provided new and interesting contributions in the field.

We are pleased that Sir Geoff Mulgan agreed to give a key note to the seminar. The seminar is open and it is not necessary to register for joining the seminar.