Matthew M. Young

Matthew M. Young is an Assistant Professor of Public Administration in the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs at Leiden University.

Matthew M. Young (Photo: Leiden University)

Matthew M. Young (Photo: Leiden University)

He is also a faculty affiliate at Syracuse University’s Autonomous Systems Policy Institute (ASPI). He studies technology and innovation, decision-making, and service delivery in the public sector. Dr. Young’s primary research agenda focuses on public sector innovation implementation, particularly artificial intelligence (AI) and related technologies.

His work examines how institutional arrangements and the fit between technology and task shape available policy choices, and lead to implementation success or failure. This work has generated new debates and attention to the policy and management challenges presented by modern AI. It engages with scholars across disciplines, including computer science and engineering, philosophy, and communications.

Dr. Young also conducts research on the political economy and institutional arrangements of public service provision. His work has appeared in top field journals such as Public Administration Review, Public Management Review, Information Polity, and Perspectives on Public Management and Governance, among others. He has given invited talks on his research to academic and practitioner audiences worldwide, including the Korean Development Institute (KDI) in Seoul, and the Association for Federal Enterprise Management in Washington, DC.

Dr. Young’s Ph.D. is in Public Policy and Management from the Price School of Public Policy at the University of Southern California. He also has over ten years of private sector experience in both hardware and software technology engineering and product management, and consulting.

Published Apr. 27, 2022 4:44 PM - Last modified Apr. 27, 2022 4:48 PM