Buddy Week Hamar 2022

Buddy week starts on Wednesday 17 August at 14.00, and the buddy leaders are looking forward to welcoming all new students.

Two buddy leaders sitting together

Buddy leader Vegard Knausgård and buddy deputy leader Eloisa Michaelsen are looking forward to welcoming new students to Buddy Week in Hamar.

Program for Buddy Week 2022

Wednesday 17 August

14:00: Welcome (alcohol free)

18:00: Game evening at B007 (alcohol free)

19:00: Quiz in the school yard

20:00: Concert

Tuesday 18 August

12:00 - 14:00: Rush trampoline park (alcohol free)

12:00 - 14:00: Fønix workout party (alcohol free)

17:00: Art workshop at B007 (alcohol free) and in the school yard

20:00: Bar to bar + theme party (bad taste)

Friday 19 August

11:00: Beach day at Koigen (alcohol free)

11:00: Outdoor day at Ankerskogen (alcohol free)

18:00: Speed friending at B007 (alcohol free)

19:00: Music bingo at the school yard

20:00: Karaoke at Gregers

Saturday 20 August

13:00: Amazing Race in the city (alcohol free)

19:00 - 22:00: Bowling

20:30: Party at Blæstad

Sunday 21 August

12:00: DnD at school (alcohol free)

16:00: Cinema (alcohol free)

Tags: Buddy week, academic year start
Published Aug. 19, 2022 2:07 AM - Last modified Aug. 19, 2022 2:10 AM