Practical information

Picture of Scandic Victoria Lillehammer

Scandic Victoria Lillehammer is located in the center of Lillehammer.

Dates and venue

May 22. - 24, 2024 at Scandic Victoria Lillehammer. Lillehammer is 2 hours north of Oslo and 1 hour 40 minutes from the Oslo International Airport (Gardermoen).

Conference fees

Conference fees - 3.995 NOK
Conference fee PhD students - 2.995 NOK
Conference dinner - 995 NOK

The conference fee includes the programme, welcome reception, conference material, lunch and coffee breaks (and 25% VAT). All participants, including presenters, are responsible for their own travel and accommodation expenses.


Register here by April 30 2024

Cancellation policy

All cancellations must be sent to the organizers no later than May 7. Cancellations until this date will be refunded excluding a 500 NOK processing fee. Cancellations after this date or nonattendance at the conference will not be refunded. Another person from the same organization may step in as a replacement at no additional cost.


Hotel rooms have been reserved at the conference hotel Scandic Victoria Lillehammer. Rooms will be able to book through the conference registration formula. Prices are:

Single room: NOK 1.630 per room incl. breakfast.
Payment of the room is done directly to the hotel at check-out.

Travel to Lillehammer

If you fly into Oslo Airport there is a train station in the airport. The train to Lillehammer runs every hour 59 minutes past the hour from track 1. You may buy tickets at the airport, in advance via the Vy app, or on the train. The train ride to Lillehammer takes 1 hour 40 minutes. The Scandic Victoria Hotel is then a few minutes’ walk from the train station.

Conference language


Conference chairs

  • Per Eriksson (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences)
  • Erik Haugom (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway)
  • Nurilla Avazov (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences)
  • Sjur Westgaard (Norwegian University of Science and Technology & Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences)

Conference committee

  • Nurilla Avazov (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences)
  • Christian Ewald (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences & Adam Smith Business School)
  • Hélyette Geman (John Hopkins University & Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences)
  • Erik Haugom (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences)
  • Gudbrand Lien (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences)
  • Ståle Størdal (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences)
  • Sjur Westgaard (Norwegian University of Science and Technology & Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences)

For more information

Please contact the organizers:

Published Jan. 10, 2024 3:46 PM - Last modified May 8, 2024 11:19 AM