Keynote Speakers

The Conference on Environmental Psychology usually has four keynote speakers. One that starts the day, one after lunch, per day. Some of the Keynotes will attend digitally, while others travel to Lillehammer. 

Florian G. Kaiser

Florian G. Kaiser

Florian G. Kaiser is professor of personality and social psychology at the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany. His research interests include attitude theory, the Campbell paradigm, large-scale attitude change and behavior management. Topics of interest are: environment and climate protection, environmental policy support, and sustainable development. He has published almost 100 articles in refereed journals. He is on the editorial board of Environment & Behavior and was 2017-2018 Co-Chief Editor of the Journal of Environmental Psychology. He will attend physically at Lillehammer. 

The title of his presentation is: A psychological theory of environmental protection 

Eleanor Ratcliffe

Eleanor Ratcliff 

Eleanor Ratcliffe is a Senior Lecturer in Environmental Psychology at University of Surrey. Over the last decade she has conducted research and teaching on the effects of the environment, and particularly nature, on psychological wellbeing. Her work in this area includes study of restorative environments (and restorative sounds), virtual reality, and creativity, as well as place attachment and place memory. She is a Board member of the International Association of People-Environment Studies (IAPS) and programme lead for Surrey’s MSc Environmental Psychology. She will attend physically at Lillehammer. 

The title of her presentation is: Thinking critically about inclusivity and equity in restorative environments

Matthew Adams Cancelled

Matthew Adams

Matt's research interests include human-nature and human-animal relations, multispecies, posthumanities, animal studies, human and more-than-human worlds and animist worldviews - especially in the context of the climate crisis and the Anthropocene. His teaching focus overlaps with his research interests, and incorporates ecopsychology, ecotherapy, critical environmental psychology and mental health. When overseeing Ph.D. students, the topics range from mental health and distress, cultural identity, and critical psychologies of climate change, activism, nature-connection. He has published several books, the latest in 2020: Anthropocene Psychology: Being Human in a More-Than-Human World.

Wesley Schultz

Wesley Schultz

Schultz is a professor and social psychologist, whose research focuses on social influence and behavior change. Much of his research involves the application of social psychological principles or methods to understand and solve social problems. Recent projects include studies on environmental programs (e.g., energy conservation, water conservation, recycling, and green marketing), the behavioral dimensions of climate change, cross-cultural research on environmental attitudes, and longitudinal research on programs aimed at encouraging underrepresented students to pursue careers in science. He will present at the conference digitally.

The title of his presentation is: Making Conservation the Norm