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Regional Innovation Policies Conference 2024

The 18th edition of the Regional Innovation Policies Conference 2024 will be held 25 – 27 September at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences in Lillehammer, Norway.

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The Regional Innovation Policies (RIP) Conference is recognized as one of the most important conferences in the fields of regional innovation, regional development, and innovation policy, and represents a renowned and authoritative arena for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners.

The title of the 18th edition of the RIP Conference 2024 is “The political dimension of regional development: theoretical, conceptual and empirical advancements”.

Call for papers

We welcome abstract submissions related to regional innovation policy, in relation, but not limited, to the following themes:

  • The dark side of innovationplakat med mye tekst som er invitasjon til konferansen
  • Contested sustainable development (social, economic, environmental) and shrinking societies 
  • Political leadership in economic geography
  • The normative turn of innovation studies
  • Geography of innovation and the reconfiguration of global production networks
  • The role of platform economy and digitalization in different regional contexts
  • Innovation in time of poly-crisis: do they represent windows of opportunity?
  • Innovation and firm performance in the Norwegian context
  • Place sensitive innovation policies: consequences, implications and future perspectives

We welcome theoretical, empirical, conceptual and methodological contributions from scholars, policymakers and practitioners who aim to develop innovative approaches, provide relevant findings and suggest possible future strategies to tackle the key topic of regional development in a globalized and ever changing world.


Call for papers and submission guidelines

More information about registration, the programme and prices is to be found at the conference website: 

The 18th Regional Innovation Policies Conference 2024 



Tags: innovation, conference, Lillehammer
Published Feb. 2, 2024 11:16 AM - Last modified May 13, 2024 10:45 AM