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Andrew Michael Davidson

Andrew Michael Davidson


Research and Development Advisor / Data Privacy Advisor

Phone number
+47 62 59 79 30

Faculty of education
Campus Hamar

Short description

I offer research support in connection with externally funded research at national and international levels at the Faculty of Teacher Education - including the Norwegian Research Council, Horizon Europe, Nordforsk, and more. I assist with the recruitment of project members and in composing a strong consortium, project budgeting, identifying the right call for proposals, preparing one-pagers and creating letters of intent, proofreading applications in light of evaluation criteria with feedback, etc. I am a "super user" of the University's project management tool "Project Portal" and assist with creation and data input in the tool.

I am also a data privacy advisor and offer support to students, PhD candidates, researchers, and supervisors in connection with privacy/GDPR in research projects, data management and storage, Sikt messages, and some research ethics at the Faculty of Teacher Education.


Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum