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Bård Uri Jensen

Bård Uri Jensen

Associate Professor

Phone number
+47 62 51 78 26

Faculty of education
Department of Scandinavian Languages and Literature
Campus Hamar, Room 2C262-9

Short description

Associate professor of Norwegian linguistics, holding a ph.d. in linguistics from Universitety of Bergen (2017), a master degree (hovedfag) in Norwegian from University of Oslo (2005) and a degree in Computer Science from University of Strathclyde (1987).

I have been employed at Inland Norway since 2004, with a permanent position from 2011. Earlier, I have worked as a computer programmer, a librarian and as a musician.


I teach various lingistic topics in teacher education, courses for in-service teachers and at master courses, especially topics related to Norwegian as a second language. I also teach quantitative methods in the humanities.

Since 2017, I have been program coordinator for a Master program in digital communication and culture.


In 2017, I defended a ph.d. thesis on the effect of the writing tool on pupil's writings. I investigated lexicosyntactic traits of two texts written by 60 pupils in 11th grade, of which one was hand-written and one was typed using a computer with a text editor. The analysis was quantitative and addressed a selection of syntactic and lexical variables, and it revealed a tendency for the typed texts to have more spontaneous properties in some of these variables. For other variables, there was a difference in genders, in that the boys seemed to use the keyboard and the text editor to form more planned and edited texts, whereas the girls' typed texts had more traits associated with spontaneous language production than their hand-written texts.

Later, I have done more research on texts written by seconds language learners of Norwegian, especially on syntactic properties, but also on other aspects of Norwegian as a second language. In addition, I have published some on research methodology, especially the application of quantitative methods in language research. Based on this interest, I have been lucky enough to get involved in several research projects with a quantitative approach within various fields.



Golden, A., Jensen, B. U. & Szymanska, O. (2021). Flervalgstester i studier av metaforforståelse blant norskinnlærere. NOA: norsk som andrespråk, 37(1-2), 107-132.

Heikkola, L. M., Kuzmina, E. & Jensen, B. U. (2021). Predictors of object naming in aphasia: does cognitive control mediate the effects of psycholinguistic variables? Aphasiology, 1-18. 

Jensen, B. U. (2020). Hypotesetesting versus utforskende statistikk i språkforskning. NOA: norsk som andrespråk, 36(1), 39–71. 

Røyneland, U. & Jensen, B. U. (2020). Dialect acquisition and migration in Norway: Questions of authenticity, belonging and legitimacy. Journal of Multilingual and multicultural development.

Goral, M., Norvik, M. & Jensen, B. U. (2019). Variation in language mixing in multilingual aphasia. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 33(10-11), 915–929.

Jensen, B. U. & Steien, G. B. (2017). Intonasjonstrekk i flerspråklige taleres idiolekter i to post-S1-språk. NOA: norsk som andrespråk, 33(2), 5–29. 

Lind, M., Røste, I., Haaland-Johansen, L., Knoph, M. I. N. & Jensen, B. U. (2017). Innhold i bildebeskrivelser: Normalspråklig variasjon hos voksne. Norsk tidsskrift for logopedi, 63(3), 14-26. 

Svennevig, J., Gerwing, J., Jensen, B. U. & Allison, M. (2017). Pre-empting Understanding Problems in L1/L2 Conversations: Evidence of Effectiveness from Simulated Emergency Calls. Applied Linguistics. 

Book chapters

Jensen, B. U. (2021). Et språktypologisk blikk på noen syntaktiske trekk i norsk innlærerspråk. I M. Monsen & V. Pájaro (Red.), Andrespråkslæring hos voksne: Vitenskapelige innsikter og didaktiske refleksjoner (s. 90-112). Cappelen Damm Akademisk. 

Jensen, B. U. (2020). Leksikalsk frekvensprofil i tekster på norsk som andrespråk: En evaluering og videreutvikling. I L. A. Kulbrandstad & G. B. Steien (Red.), Språkreiser: Festskrift til Anne Golden på 70-årsdagen 14. juli 2020 (s. 153–176). Novus. 

Jensen, B. U. (2018). Er resultatet gyldig? Noen utfordringer ved bruk av kvantitative metoder i andrespråksforskning. I A.-K. H. Gujord & G. T. Randen (Red.), Norsk som andrespråk – perspektiver på læring og utvikling (s. 449–466). Cappelen Damm Akademisk. 

Jensen, B. U. (2018). Syntaks i norsk innlærerspråk : empiriske funn. I A.-K. H. Gujord & G. T. Randen (Red.), Norsk som andrespråk – perspektiver på læring og utvikling (s. 235-260). Cappelen Damm Akademisk. 

Nacey, S. & Jensen, B. U. (2017). Metaphoricity in English L2 learners' prepositions. I E. Gola, F. Ervas & M. G. Rossi (Red.), Metaphor in Communication, Science and Education (s. 283-304). Mouton de Gruyter. 


Jensen, B. U. (2017). Leksikosyntaktiske trekk og skriveverktøy: En kvantitativ undersøkelse av tekster skrevet for hånd og på tastatur av elever i VG1 [Doktoravhandling, Universitetet i Bergen]. Bergen.

Jensen, B. U. (2005). Lingvistisk skriftteori og bokmål [Hovedoppgave, Universitetet i Oslo]. Oslo. 

Jensen, B. U. (1987). Cellular Automata [Diplomoppgave, University of Strathclyde]. Glasgow.

Other positions

Editor of the journal NOA - Norsk som andrespråk [Norwegian as a second language] from 2020.

Member of Nasjonalt fagorgan [National council] for Nordic language and literature from 2020.


Personal webpage with resoursces for teaching and research (under development)

NOA - norsk som andrespråk

Research groups


Visiting Address

Alf Prøysens Hus (Hovedbygg fløy C – nyeste del)
Holsetgata 31, N-2318 Hamar
Room 2C262-9
Show on map

Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum