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Camilla Marie Tømta

Camilla Marie Tømta


Advisor in Research and Development (R&D) and Artistic Development Work (ADW)

Phone number
+47 62 51 76 19

Faculty of education
Campus Hamar, Room 2A322

Short description

Offers internal research support to employees and research groups in relation to career development, internal scholarships and other R&D related tasks.

Provides guidance and support in connection with:
- applications to central funding schemes for buy-out from teaching tasks.
- the follow-up of Professor II positions.
- the follow-up of emeriti associated with the faculty.
- internal research seminars and conferences.
- privacy, NSD and GDPR for the Faculty of Teacher Education and Pedagogy

Also contributes to application processes in connection with external funds such as the Research Council and Horizon Europe in collaboration with Andrew Michael Davidson (


Visiting Address

Nils Hertzbergs Hus (Hovedbygg fløy A – eldste del)
Holsetgata 31, N-2318 Hamar
Room 2A322
Show on map

Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum