Norsk versjon av denne siden
Daniel Johansson

Daniel Johansson


Music industry researcher

Phone number
+47 62 51 78 85
Mobile number
+46 70 244 77 93

Inland School of Business and Social Sciences
Department of Organisation, Leadership and Management- 6501
Campus Rena

Short description

My teaching and research is focused on music industry economics and organization as well as business economics within the music industry, with a major focus on streaming and digital distribution.

Another area of interest is business informatics and information models, specifically how statistical analysis can be used by companies in the music industry.

At the Inland Norway University of Applied Science, I run the courses 3MUS100 Music Industry, 3MUS120 Music Product, and 3MUS140 Music and the Market. I also teach at other music industry-focused courses in Sweden, as well as hold workshops and courses for artists, labels and music publishers.

I have a tech background, as a research engineer in computer science at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, as well as working in tech companies in the music industry. I also play guitar like a wizard and occasionally write a song or two.

I do analyzes and write articles for the Swedish music industry's news agency, and do consultancy work for various companies in the music industry.


Selection of articles, reports and chapters:

Streams & Dreams Part 2 – The Impact of the DSM Directive on EU Artists and Musicians

Musikbranschens kompetens och utveckling 2023 – 2027: Återstart (Swedish)

Revenue Distribution From Music Streaming - A Quantitative Analysis of Swedish Artists on Spotify

Streams & Dreams - A Fair Music Economy For All

Det svenska musikundret - Små företag på en global arena

From Products to Consumption: Changes on the Swedish Music Market as a Result of Streaming Technologies

Fields of Tensions and Alliances - Changing Practices in the Swedish Music Industry

Music Festivals in Sweden: An Analysis of the Ten Largest Commercial Festivals 2000 - 2013

An Automated System For Analyzing Music Usage and Metadata Exchange on Digital Music Services

Emerging and Conflicting Business Models for Music Content in the Digital Environment

The Swedish Music Industry in Graphs: Economic Development Report 2000 – 2008

Musiken och Framtidens Internet (Swedish)

Efter The Pirate Bay (Swedish)

Informationstekniken är det fundament som hela musikbranschen vilar på (Swedish)

När alla blir radiokanaler och frisörer (Swedish)


Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum