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Deniz Akin

Deniz Akin


Phone number
+47 62 43 05 88
Mobile number
+47 41 06 97 62

Inland School of Business and Social Sciences
Eastern Norway Research Institute
Campus Lillehammer

Short description

Deniz Akin (PhD) is a senior researcher at Østlandsforskning (Eastern Norway Research Institute). She has interdisciplinary research experience within the field of migration, gender equality, and diversity. Akin holds a doctoral degree in gender studies from NTNU in 2017. Title of her dissertation is "Queer Challenges to the Norwegian Policies and Practices of Immigration: Asylum Seeking in Norway on the Grounds of Sexual Orientation-based Persecution". The PhD thesis explores the legal and cultural challenges faced by queer asylum seekers in Norway. Akin was postdoctoral research fellow at NTNU, as a part of the NFR funded research project "Sharing Neighborhoods". As a part of the broader research team, Akin has researched on the use of sharing economy platforms at the neighbourhood level. One of the publications that Akin co-authored in this project is "Sharing with neighbours: Insights from local practices of the sharing economy" published inTechnology in society.

As a senior researcher at Eastern Norway Research Institute, Akin is involved in numerous national and international projects.



  • Sjølie, Hanne Kathrine; Akin, Deniz & Lauritzen, Tonje (2023). Gender differences in job experiences and satisfaction in the forest sector. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. ISSN 0045-5067. 54(2), p. 224–237. doi: 10.1139/cjfr-2023-0036.
  • Hansson, Ulf; Akin, Deniz; Macuchova, Zuzana & Lund, Per Olav (2023). Structures, trends and turning points of Norwegian and Swedish integration policies. In Laine, Jussi P; Rauhut, Daniel & Gruber, Marika (Ed.), Assessing the Social Impact of Immigration in Europe: Renegotiating Remoteness . Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 9781803927688. p. 218–236. doi: https:/
  • Ummak, Esra; Türken, Salman & Akin, Deniz (2022). Understanding Intimate Partner Violence Among Ethnic and Sexual Minorities: Lived Experiences of Queer Women in Norway. Violence against Women. ISSN 1077-8012. doi: 10.1177/10778012221147912. Full text in Research Archive
  • Akin, Deniz (2021). How to Make a Credible and Genuine LGBT Asylum Seeker: A Discursive Perspective on the Legal Developments in Norway. In Hellum, Anne & Sørlie, Anniken (Ed.), Frihet, likhet og mangfold: Kjønnsidentitet og seksuell orientering i rettslig, medisinsk og samfunnsvitenskapelig kontekst. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 9788205518698. p. 434–453.
  • Akin, Deniz; Jakobsen, Kine Charlotte; Floch, Jacqueline & Hoff, Emily (2021). Sharing with neighbours: Insights from local practices of the sharing economy. Technology in society. ISSN 0160-791X. 64:101481, p. 1–12. doi: 10.1016/j.techsoc.2020.101481. Full text in Research Archive
  • Baer, Daniela; Akin, Deniz; Bø, Lars Arne; Floch, Jacqueline; Halvorsen, Trond Uhre & Høyland, Karin (2020). Gaining socially sustainable cities through sharing indoor spaces for voluntary activities: The case of Trondheim, Norway. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment. ISSN 1746-448X. 241, p. 343–354. doi: 10.2495/SDP200281. Full text in Research Archive
  • Stubberud, Elisabeth; Akin, Deniz & Svendsen, Stine H. Bang (2019). A wager for life: Queer children seeking asylum in Norway. Nordic Journal of Migration Research. ISSN 1799-649X. 9(4), p. 445–460. doi: 10.2478/NJMR-2019-00036. Full text in Research Archive
  • Akin, Deniz; Vilarinho, Thomas; Floch, Jacqueline; Halvorsen, Trond & Baer, Daniela (2019). Assessing the Potential of Digital Collaborative Sharing Platforms in Fostering Neighbourhood Participation Through Volunteerism. In El Yacoubi, Samira; Bagnoli, Franco & Pacini, Giovanna (Ed.), Internet Science. Springer Nature. ISSN 978-3-030-34769-7. p. 3–17. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-34770-3_1.
  • Akin, Deniz (2019). Discursive Construction of Genuine LGBT Refugees. Lambda Nordica: Tidskrift om homosexualitet. ISSN 1100-2573. 23(3-4), p. 21–46. doi: 10.34041/ln.v23.549. Full text in Research Archive
  • Akin, Deniz & Svendsen, Stine Helena Bang (2018). Becoming Family: Orientalism, Homonormativity and Queer Asylum in Norway. In Rohde, Achim; Von Braun, Christina & Schüler-Springorum, Stefanie (Ed.), National Politics and Sexuality in Transregional Perspective: The Homophobic Argument. Routledge. ISSN 978-1-472-48264-8.
  • Akin, Deniz (2016). Queer asylum seekers: translating sexuality in Norway. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. ISSN 1369-183X. 43(3), p. 458–474. doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2016.1243050.
  • Akin, Deniz (2015). Assessing sexual orientation-based persecution : a closer look at the Norwegian practices of asylum evaluation of gay and lesbian claimants. Lambda Nordica: Tidskrift om homosexualitet. ISSN 1100-2573. 20(1), p. 21–42. Full text in Research Archive

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  • Bromseth, Janne C. Haugnes; Akin, Deniz; Dangmann, Cecilie Ruud; Mathisen, Silje & Miklavic, Kristina (2024). Hva betyr det egentlig at «ikke-skeive har bedre livskvalitet enn skeive»?
  • Akin, Deniz; Samuelsen, Nora Warhuus & Bromseth, Janne C. Haugnes (2023). Hvordan har skeive i Innlandet det? GD Gudbrandsølen Dagningen.
  • Wold, Lisa Knatterud; Skarli, Jim Broch & Akin, Deniz (2023). Skeive flyktninger føler seg utrygge. [Internet]. KILDEN Kjønnsforskning.
  • Akin, Deniz (2022). Panel discussion: ‘The effect of Norwegian refugee policy and foreign aid on LGBTIQ+ people and communities, at home and away’.
  • Ummak, Esra; Türken, Salman & Akin, Deniz (2022). Understanding Intimate Partner Violence Among Ethnic and Sexual Minorities: Lived Experiences of Queer Women in Norway.
  • Sjølie, Hanne Kathrine; Lauritzen, Tonje & Akin, Deniz (2022). Skogbruket - en arbeidsplass for alle?
  • Røhnebæk, Maria; Blumenthal, Veronica; Akin, Deniz; Samuelsen, Nora Warhuus; Dahl, Signe Lise & Hansen, Ørjan Lande (2022). Action-Research Report Norway: Innlandet County. In Membretti, Andrea & Gilli, Monica (Ed.), 13 Action-Research Reports. Deliverable 5.3. MATILDE - Migration Impact Assessment to Enhance Integration and Local Development in European Rural and Mountain Areas. p. 204–260.
  • Baer, Daniela; Akin, Deniz; Bø, Lars Arne; Floch, Jacqueline; Halvorsen, Trond Uhre & Høyland, Karin (2020). Gaining socially sustainable cities through sharing indoor spaces for voluntary activities: The case of Trondheim, Norway.
  • Floch, Jacqueline; Halvorsen, Trond & Akin, Deniz (2019). Kan digital teknologi bidra til bedre sosiale forhold i nabolag? Nabohjelp – en app som støtter naboene til å hjelpe hverandre.
  • Akin, Deniz (2019). Intersecting vulnerabilities: Researching on LGBT asylum seekers in Norway.
  • Akin, Deniz (2019). "The Ungrateful Refugee".
  • Akin, Deniz (2019). Status Rapport: Utfordringer og muligheter til rekruttering og effektivt formidling. .
  • Stubberud, Elisabeth & Akin, Deniz (2019). Etiske refleksjoner rundt det å forske på små og utsatte grupper.
  • Akin, Deniz (2018). Hvordan gjøres en troverdig og genuin LHBT asylsøker Et diskursivt perspektiv på asylprosessen.
  • Akin, Deniz (2018). Case study: One-to-one volunteering for Trondheim Red Cross.
  • Akin, Deniz (2018). Queering the ‘Genuine’ Refugee Subject.
  • Akin, Deniz (2018). Constructing the "Genuine" Refugee.
  • Akin, Deniz (2017). BOOK REVIEW:Queer/Tongzhi China: New Perspectives on Research, Activism and Media Cultures. NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research. ISSN 0803-8740. 25(3), p. 217–219.
  • Akin, Deniz (2017). Chairperson for the ISFIT panel: "Gender & Sexuality: Contemporary Identity Construction & Agency".
  • Nordseth, Linn Kristin & Akin, Deniz (2017). "Må være skeiv på en norsk måte". [Business/trade/industry journal]. BLIKK.
  • Akin, Deniz (2016). På utsiden av toleransen. Fett. ISSN 1504-1921. p. 11–14.
  • Akin, Deniz (2016). Radio Revolt - om paneldebatt "queering the exile". [Radio]. Radio Revolt.
  • Akin, Deniz (2016). Precarious rights of LGBT refugees
  • Akin, Deniz (2016). Skeive asylsøkere bør snakke om kjærlighet. [Internet]. KILDEN kjø
  • Akin, Deniz (2016). Han flyktet til Norge for å leve livet som homofil. [Newspaper]. vårt land.
  • Akin, Deniz (2016). Den skeive drømmen om Norge.
  • Akin, Deniz (2016). Queer asylum in Norway: Current Debates.
  • Akin, Deniz (2016). What are your rights? Sexual orientation and gender identity in Norway.
  • Akin, Deniz (2016). Når portvokteren ødelegger dørene. Klassekampen. ISSN 0805-3839.
  • Akin, Deniz (2015). Sexual minorities' right to asylum in Norway.
  • Akin, Deniz & Bang Svendsen, Stine H. (2015). “Becoming Family: Orientalism, Homonormativity and Queer Asylum in Norway”.
  • Akin, Deniz (2015). UDI's assessment of credibility for queer asylum seekers.
  • Akin, Deniz (2015). What can we learn from queer asylum seekers? Negotiating sexuality to be legible in Norway.
  • Akin, Deniz (2015). Norwegian policies of immigration concerning queer asylum seekers.
  • Akin, Deniz (2015). Uholdbart for skeive på asylmottakene. Utrop - Norges første flerkulturelle avis.
  • Akin, Deniz (2014). How do you smell a genuine sexual orientation? Assessment of sexual orientation-based asylum claims in the Norwegian context.
  • Akin, Deniz & Svendsen, Stine H. Bang (2014). Becoming Legible: Orientalism, homonormativity and queer asylum in Norway.
  • Akin, Deniz (2014). Queer asylum seekers in Norway: myths vs actual practice.
  • Akin, Deniz (2014). Dobbel Diskriminering. Fett. ISSN 1504-1921.
  • Akin, Deniz (2013). Foredrag: Paradoxical Operation of Heteronormativity.
  • Akin, Deniz; Wold, Lisa Knatterud; Stokke, Mona Helene & Skarli, Jim Broch (2022). På leting etter trygghet: Integrering av LHBTIQ+-flyktninger i Norge. Høgskolen i Innlandet. ISSN 978-82-8380-378-5. 2022(25).
  • Tholstrup, Line Marie; Bern, Aleksander & Akin, Deniz (2022). Youth’s participation in society – examples of initiatives implemented to improve participation. Høgskolen i Innlandet. ISSN 978-82-8380-381-5.
  • Wold, Lisa Knatterud; Akin, Deniz; Bern, Aleksander; Lauritzen, Tonje & Tholstrup, Line Marie (2022). Likestilling og mangfold i maritim næring og utdanning - en kartlegging. Høgskolen i Innlandet. ISSN 9788283803365.
  • Akin, Deniz; Wold, Lisa Knatterud & Lauritzen, Tonje (2022). “Så da laga vi oss rett og slett en turnus”. Arbeidsdeling i hjemmet under koronapandemien. Høgskolen i Innlandet.
  • Stubberud, Elisabeth & Akin, Deniz (2019). Alene og skeiv. En studie av livssituasjonen for skeive enslige mindreårige asylsøkere i omsorgssentre og asylmottak. Forlaget Nora. ISSN 978-82-92038-09-3. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bolsø, Agnes; Ringrose, Priscilla & Akin, Deniz (2017). Queeer Callenges to the Norwegian Policies and Practices of Immigration. NTNU.

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