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Ellen Nierenberg

Ellen Nierenberg

Senior Academic Librarian

Phone number
+47 62 43 01 92

Department of Research
Library Hamar
Campus Hamar, Room 2C143

Short description

Ellen Nierenberg is a senior academic librarian at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, in Hamar, Norway. In 2022, Ellen received a PhD from UiT The Arctic University of Norway for her research on the development of information literacy in undergraduates. She received her Master's Degree in Library and Information Science from Oslo Metroplitan University in 2007.

At the INN library, Ellen is responsible for:

  •     Research support: Curator for INN's Open Data Archive,
  •     Contact librarian for the Department of Art and Cultural Studies and the Department of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Physical Education, with collection development (physical and digital resources) for these departments.
  •     Teaching and guidance for students and faculty: literature search, source evaluation, source use, academic writing, EndNote, Zotero, archiving research data, and searching for research data.



  • Brox, Hans & Nierenberg, Ellen (2024). Refleksjoner ved inngangen til en KI-revolusjon i høyere utdanning. In Bjørgen, Anne Mette; Fritze, Yvonne & Haugsbakk, Geir Olav (Ed.), Mediepedagogikk Kritiske refleksjoner om medier i undervisning og samfunn. Fagbokforlaget. ISSN 978-82-450-4633-5. p. 237–259. doi: https:/
  • Nierenberg, Ellen & Dahl, Tove I. (2021). Is information literacy ability, and metacognition of that ability, related to interest, gender or education level? A cross-sectional study of higher education students. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science. ISSN 0961-0006. p. 1–13. doi: 10.1177/09610006211058907. Full text in Research Archive
  • Dahl, Tove I. & Nierenberg, Ellen (2021). Here’s the TRIQ: The Tromsø Interest Development Questionnaire Based on the Four-Phase Model of Interest Development. Frontiers in Education. ISSN 2504-284X. 6. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2021.716543. Full text in Research Archive
  • Nierenberg, Ellen; Låg, Torstein & Dahl, Tove I. (2021). Knowing and doing: The development of information literacy measures to assess knowledge and practice. Journal of Information Literacy. ISSN 1750-5968. 15(2), p. 78–123. doi: 10.11645/15.2.2795. Full text in Research Archive
  • Nierenberg, Ellen (2017). A comparison of nursing and teacher education students' information literacy learning: Results from Norway, 2016. College & Research Libraries. ISSN 0010-0870. 78(5), p. 628–651. doi: 10.5860/crl.78.5.628. Full text in Research Archive
  • Nierenberg, Ellen & Fjeldbu, Øyvind Gjems (2015). How much do first-year undergraduate students in Norway know about information literacy? Journal of Information Literacy. ISSN 1750-5968. 9(1), p. 15–33. doi: 10.11645/9.1.1983.

View all works in Cristin

  • Nierenberg, Ellen (2008). Anti-terror legislation and public libraries : a comparison of librarians' concerns in the USA and Denmark. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG. ISBN 9783639074048. 129 p.

View all works in Cristin

  • Nierenberg, Ellen (2023). Opplæring i kildebruk: Hvem er den nye studenten?
  • Nierenberg, Ellen (2023). Understanding the development of information literacy in higher education.
  • Nierenberg, Ellen (2023). Informasjonskompetanse og interesse.
  • Nierenberg, Ellen (2023). Utviklingen av informasjonskompetanse i høyere utdanning.
  • Nierenberg, Ellen (2023). Keynote: Barriers and enablers to information literacy development: What practices are recommended for librarians and other instructors?
  • Nierenberg, Ellen (2023). Information literacy development.
  • Nierenberg, Ellen & Dahl, Tove I. (2022). The development of students as information literate individuals: Results from an 86% complete PhD in Information Literacy.
  • Nierenberg, Ellen; Låg, Torstein & Dahl, Tove I. (2021). New tools for assessing information literacy: Knowing and doing.
  • Dahl, Tove I. & Nierenberg, Ellen (2021). Interest: We know it when we feel it, but do we recognize it when we measure it? That’s a TRIQ question .
  • Nierenberg, Ellen (2021). Kildebruk: Et blikk fra nord (keynote).
  • Nierenberg, Ellen (2020). Does actual ability in information literacy, and metacomprehension of that ability, ​ improve with experience ​ in higher education?​.
  • Nierenberg, Ellen (2019). Stipendiat i informasjonskompetanse.
  • Nierenberg, Ellen (2019). PhD pitch: Information literacy.
  • Dahl, Tove Irene; Lappegård, Ingvild; Nilsen, Karine Thorheim & Nierenberg, Ellen (2019). Developing a measure of interest: Where to next from this fork in the road?
  • Nierenberg, Ellen (2018). En nasjonal standard for APA-stil er på vei! Bob : Bok og bibliotek. ISSN 0006-5811. 85(3), p. 72–73.
  • Nierenberg, Ellen (2017). Informasjonskompetanse og førsteårs sykepleier- og lærerstudenter.
  • Nierenberg, Ellen (2016). How much do nursing and teacher education students in Norway learn about information literacy in their first year of college?
  • Nierenberg, Ellen (2015). How much do first year undergraduate students in Norway know about information literacy?

View all works in Cristin


Visiting Address

Alf Prøysens Hus (Hovedbygg fløy C – nyeste del)
Holsetgata 31, N-2318 Hamar
Room 2C143
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Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum